



On this tour, you have the opportunity to visit some of the most interesting sites such as Devil's Bridge, the Rain Forest as well as seeing the beauty of the Island while driving through some quaint villages, enroute to Nelson’s Dockyard National Park, home of the famous English Harbour, and named after Horatio Nelson who served in Antiqua in the 1700s. This tour is unique in that it gives a first hand knowledge of the Island after visiting the Interpretation Center (if opened) where one can see and hear the history of Antigua & Barbuda.

行程Tinerarythis是该产品步骤的典型行程:雪莉高地,英国港口抗瓜阿德里夫(Antiguadrive)直至雪莉高地(Shirley Heights),并在旧的军事防御工程中漫步。您可以在360度观看令人叹为观止的风景景观。可以看到英国港口和法尔茅斯港的壮丽景色,招呼您的眼睛,在晴朗的日子里,可以看到邻近的蒙特塞拉特和瓜德罗普岛的岛屿。霍拉蒂奥·纳尔逊(Horatio Nelson)是一名英国海军军官,从1784年到1787年,他住在这座皇家海军造船厂。完全恢复了其原始的辉煌,即18世纪和十九世纪的船厂现代设施的建筑,例如商店,酒店和码头企业。尼尔森的船坞提供了许多景点和活动,供游客探索和享受。嵌套在公园里,您可以浏览位于前海军上将家中的造船厂博物馆。博物馆向游客展示了有关码头的历史和当前在岛上的考古研究的展览。铜和木材商店酒店提供五星级的住宿,是造船厂的特殊场合的宏伟场所。在那里参观礼品店和美术馆。Nelson’s Dockyard National Park, which also contains Clarence House and Shirley Heights, and is the only UNESCO World Heritage Site of the country.Duration: 30 minutesStop At: Devil's Bridge, Willikies AntiguaDevil’s Bridge is an actual bridge formed by thousands of years of ancient reef formation and erosion. The Atlantic’s waves have constantly crashed into the limestone rocks, which has created a natural arch filled with geysers and blowholes over time. Waves continue to break against these same coastal limestone rocks, and it is a stunning natural phenomenon.Duration: 15 minutes


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  • 入场/入学 - 尼尔森的造船厂


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