




从三个选项中选择您的巨大障碍珊瑚礁体验。通过直升机飞行,进出珊瑚礁4小时的游览;在那里飞行,乘船返回4.5小时的往返。或者在珊瑚礁上选择最全天的游览,乘船前往珊瑚礁,并在下午乘直升机前往凯恩斯之前探索五个小时。更多细节在下面的行程中。所有选项在大堡礁上花时间乘坐一艘豪华船,最多可容纳100人,拥有18个专家指南,向您展示令人惊叹的水下世界。如果您早上从凯恩斯乘船,当您到达珊瑚礁时,您将在两个主要位置停留,以查看多彩色的珊瑚花园和鱼类。您的友好指南为您提供浮潜或水肺潜水设备,并为新人和经验丰富的参与者提供鼓励和指导。如果您是一个紧张的第一次浮潜或潜水员,您的指南会尽力帮助您感到舒适,享受您的舒适经验。即使是非游泳者也可以进入水中,看看珊瑚礁!您可以选择在此游览中包含和可选活动。如果您想学习Scuba Dive,则包含10分钟的水肺演示,允许您在购买介绍性潜水课程之前尝试。 It’s the perfect opportunity to experience one of the world’s top locations for diving! (Available only on the morning boat cruise)If you already have your scuba diving certification, you can scuba dive as many as three times at two different locations during the full-day excursion, plus have plenty of time for snorkeling or relaxation between dives. Simply book the dives when you are on the boat. All dive gear and dive computers are provided.Depending on the day’s weather conditions and water clarity, your guides choose from 12 exclusive moorings at six locations for the best possible experience for all activities. Generally, in the morning the boat visits one of the true Outer Great Barrier Reef locations (Saxon Reef or Norman Reef). In the afternoon you then head to North Hastings Reef for more snorkeling and helicopter flight connections.For lunch, enjoy a tasty Australian barbecue buffet served on the boat. Select from a spread consisting of fresh fish, sausages and steak, accompanied by a selection of salads, pastas and prawns.After a memorable visit to the Great Barrier Reef, return to the mainland by boat or helicopter in the afternoon. If you return by boat, snack on a tropical fruit and cheese platter while your talented crew provides live musical entertainment.


  • 烧烤午餐
  • 使用浮潜设备


  • 您的旅行可选视频记bob娱乐官网录,直接应付
  • 可选的介绍或认证潜水,直接支付旅行日期(仅限早晨巡航)
  • AU $ 20的人员环境管理费(EMC)和燃料征税将直接支付给运营商当天的旅行日
  • 港口道格拉斯港的接送酒店每人额外收费为77美元,最少2人需要转移。


  • 即时确认
  • 风景直升机飞行
  • 包括浮潜装备
  • 包括午餐