da chapada diamantina帕克




公园本身几乎没有基础设施,没有正式入口的方式(无需进入公园边界)或中央信息中心,因此建议雇用一个指导,即使对于较短的徒步旅行,也很容易迷路,如果您不确定要去哪里。这y’re affordable (plan on around R$200–300 per day for groups of up to six people), and guides are incredibly knowledgeable about local flora and fauna, and they can find the best swimming holes – all priceless in a park with few signs or official trails. In addition some individual sites in the park may have an entry fee, which is typically covered with your guide fee should you use one. For multi-day treks, guides also arrange basic lodging and meals in local homes for the bargain price of around R$100 per person, per day.

Lençois的指南很丰富,可以通过您的酒店安排,也可以直接通过蓝色衬衫的人眼睛来安排您的眼睛。这AssociaçãoDosCundutores de VistantesdeLençóis拥有著名的指南列表,如果您自己预订一份,则是很好的资源。