快速赛道帆船课程 - 维尔京群岛

游轮,帆船和水旅游,鱼N Lime Inn,West End,Tortola到Null




典型的行程为您的快速赛道帆船船船长课程(可能根据条件发生变化)如下所示:星期日 - 船熟悉,系泊技术9.30am每个人都会在Fish N Lime Inn,West Ode,Tortola见面。船安全简报,食物掉了,你休息了!你向沙滩航行,完善你的球形系泊技。午餐后,您可以在完美清澈的水中游泳,探索美丽的岛屿,乘坐兰德克·迪克岛帆船。帆船上升我,Playsthis早上您有您的段落计划和上风帆船的介绍。由您的教师指导您将写下您的第一个段落计划,然后采用它来向甘蔗花园湾航行,以其传奇的日落而闻名。周二 - 航行Upwind II,Navigodyou在一些方便的导航技术上工作,并且作为一支球队创造第二段。计划。这段经文将带您通过一些迷人的礁石水到西班牙镇,维珍省。在你在午餐时停留的午餐和可能是他们着名的“止痛药”鸡尾酒之一。 - 男子长板程序,码头很早就开始,你离开西班牙镇和前往世界着名的山地岩层的浴室。早期探索浴缸允许您最佳地看到它:没有其他游客。此外,它为您提供充足的时间,以便在您的帆船技巧上工作。 Today you sail to the Bitter End Yacht Club, refining your alongside docking practice. On the way you learn a couple of techniques for Man Over-Board drills.Thursday - Sailing Downwind, Weather, ReefingUnderstanding weather is a crucial part of a sailor's skill-set. This morning starts with discussions around meteorology theory and how it is applied in real-life situations. This includes techniques to reduce your sail size (reefing), and how to do it fast, should you ever be surprised by a squall. Then you will have a lovely downwind sail to Trellis Bay.Friday - Exam day!Another Sailing Virgins examiner will board the boat in the morning and take you through your paces. All in the comfort of the Cooper Island Resort. This separation of instructor and examiner means you can receive tuition about areas that you may not quite have understood during the week. It makes for very thorough learning. It is unique to Sailing Virgins. Tonight is a post-exam celebration at the legendary (notorious?!) floating bar in Norman Island called Willy T.Saturday - Snorkel and back to baseA lazy morning, gentle snorkel and lovely sail back to the base, West End. Debrief and you're done! You are now an ASA 104 (or equivalent) qualified skipper.


  • 根据行程的住宿
  • 环境管理费(REEF税)
  • 燃油附加费
  • 地方税收
  • 国家公园费用
  • 瓶装水
  • 早餐
  • 午餐
  • 船上的两个晚餐
  • 点心
  • 小吃
  • 专业指南
  • 咖啡和/或茶


  • 酒精饮料(可购买)
  • 大小(10-20%是惯常的)