



这是本产品的典型行程停在:加拿大尼亚加拉大瀑布,安大略省尼亚加拉大瀑布,加拿大在世界著名的瀑布奇观持续时间:4小时停在:瀑布背后的旅程,6650 Niagara Pkwy, Niagara Falls, On L2G, Canada, Ontario(加拿大安大略省)在这个季节之外,你可以站在雷鸣般的马蹄瀑布后面的迷雾中,拍摄一个惊人的特写“瀑布背后的旅程”。持续时间:1小时停留地点:风之洞,山羊岛,尼亚加拉瀑布,NY 14303然后,下降175英尺(53米)到著名的“飓风甲板”,在令人惊叹的风之洞展览(在季节)感受瀑布的雷声。期间:1 hourStop At: Maid of the Mist, 1 Prospect Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14303-1128After pickup from your hotel in a comfortable, air conditioned sightseeing vehicle, set off with your expert guide on a fun-filled day of sightseeing. During this 6-hour tour, see all of the main attractions of this area. Enjoy a wet and wild cruise aboard the Maid of the Mist boat, operating seasonally (mid May to October)*.Please note: The Maid of the Mist portion of this tour departs from the US side of Niagara Falls. All customers booking this tour must have appropriate documentation to enter the United States and Canada.*Operating dates of the Maid of the Mist and Cave of the Winds are approximate and dependent on winter/ice conditionsDuration: 1 hourStop At: Skylon Tower, 5200 Robinson St, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 2A2 CanadaGet fantastic aerial views from atop the Skylon TowerDuration: 30 minutesStop At: Niagara Falls State Park, 332 Prospect St, Niagara Falls, NY 14303-1106Visit the oldest state park in the USADuration: 1 hourPass By: Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Falls, Ontario CanadaSee the waterfalls of NiagaraPass By: Niagara Falls, NY 14301Marvel at the Falls from the American sidePass By: Bridal Veil Falls, Niagara Falls, NYSee the falls that make up the famous Niagara FallsPass By: Three Sisters Island, Niagara Falls, NYSee the sights of the Niagara regionStop At: Table Rock Welcome Centre, 6650 Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6T2 CanadaGet the best views of Niagara FallsDuration: 30 minutesPass By: Niagara Scow, Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Falls, Ontario CanadaSee the famous wreck of the Old ScowPass By: Queen Victoria Park, 6161 Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6T2 CanadaSee the sights of the Niagara regionPass By: Floral Clock, 7400 Portage Road Queenston ON, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6T2 CanadaSee the world famous Floral Clock of Niagara Parks


  • 6小时导游的尼亚加拉瀑布之旅
  • 从尼亚加拉瀑布区(不是多伦多或水牛城)的酒店拾取和下车
  • 迷你船骑行(4月下旬 - 11月,可能因天气而有所不同)
  • 瀑布背后之旅(在不操作时取代雾之少女)
  • 洞穴的洞穴(11月初初期)
  • 世界停止了这里的展馆(在淡季期间替换风峡谷的洞穴)
  • 所有道路费用和桥梁通行费
  • 入境/入场 - 瀑布后面的旅程
  • 进入/入场 - 风的洞穴
  • 入口/入场 - 薄雾
  • 入场/入场 - Skylon塔
  • 入场/入场券 - 尼亚加拉瀑布州立公园


  • 食品和饮料
  • gr