



参观阿鲁巴最高自然景点的两个 - 天然游泳池和婴儿海滩 - 在这次越野冒险之旅,在阿鲁巴的独特之旅,包括两个网站。在一个专门设计的土地漫游者身上驾驶或乘坐岛上的崎岖地形,由加州灯塔和天然桥等地标停下来。然后在天然游泳池和婴儿海滩享受空闲时间,以呼吸管,游泳,以其独特的美丽为止。包括午餐。

您的阿鲁巴冒险在早上开始,早上开始乘坐旅游运营商的基地,在那里您将在特殊旨在浏览阿鲁巴的崎岖地形的土地群体的大篷车前起飞之前,您将达到您的快速安全简报。跳在4x4陆路漫游者的乘客座位,或者如果你觉得驾驶,那就拿着轮子。无论哪种方式,您都可以搭乘舒适的乘坐土地罗孚的额外缓冲座椅。巡回岛屿的自然和历史景点,沿着拍照的方式停止,并从您的指南中收听评论。Sites visited include California Lighthouse on Aruba’s northern end, the Gold Mill Ruins where you can see remains of the island’s gold-prospecting days and the ruins of the Natural Bridge, a limestone bridge on the northeast coast that collapsed in 2005. When you reach Arikok National Park, a protected preserve that takes up almost one-fifth of the island, get ready for a fun, bumpy, off-road ride through the park to the Natural Pool — aka conchi — a swimming spot formed by volcanic rock that sits right on the coast. Inaccessible by regular vehicles, the Natural Pool provides the feeling of ‘discovering’ a piece of the island that many visitors don’t make the effort to see. Put on the provided snorkeling gear and jump in the water to check out the colorful fish and coral. You can also cool off with provided drinks during your 60 to 90 minutes of free time here. After leaving the Natural Pool, return to your Land Rover for the drive to Baby Beach on Aruba’s southern coast. This crescent-shaped stretch of shoreline is known for its calm, shallow, kid-friendly waters, hence its name. You have another 60 to 90 minutes of free time here to relax; snorkeling gear is provided if you feel like exploring the marine life.Your tour ends with return to the tour base where you can transfer to the vehicle that will take you back to your hotel. Lunch is provided about halfway through the day. Sample lunch items include burgers, vegetarian pasta and barbecued chicken.


  • 本地指南
  • 冰冷的水
  • 使用浮潜设备
  • 酒店拾取和下车
  • 露天4x4车辆运输
  • 午餐(仅限晨报)
  • 入口/入场 - 自然游泳池


  • gr


  • 家庭友善
  • 信息丰富,友好和专业的指导
  • 包括午餐
  • 包括免费酒店拾取和下车