




亚的斯亚贝巴一年四季气候宜人,平均气温25°C。我们将从收藏了一些国家历史珍宝的国家博物馆开始参观。在埃塞俄比亚发现的早期人科动物化石和骨骼包括350万年前的“露西”遗骸,这是目前发现的最古老的人科动物。继续参观城市的两个主要亮点,民族博物馆和圣三一教堂,埃塞俄比亚的主要大教堂,皇帝海尔塞拉西的遗体的家。次日凌晨乘早班飞机前往巴哈达尔(07:00)。到达后,在塔纳湖上乘船游览,参观隐藏在这个圣湖岸边的岛屿上的修道院。参观Zege半岛和Azuwa Maryam和Ura Kidane Mehret的修道院,以及蓝色尼罗河出口附近的Debre Maryam岛修道院。下午,驱车前往青尼罗河瀑布,在该地区进行短暂的徒步旅行。第三天,驾车4小时后前往冈德尔。探索冈达尔的遗址,包括参观皇家围场,有六个城堡和其他一些建筑。 Additionally, visit Fasilidas’s Pool, still used for Timket celebrations today, Ras Gimb Palace Museum and the Debre Birhan Selassie church, with the most famous ceiling in Ethiopia. Overnight mayliko LodgeDay 4 ,. Early morning flight to Axum (07:45). Upon arrival to Axum, you will be met by your guide and transferred to your hotel. Today will be a full day visiting the sites of Axum, including the famous obelisks (one that was recently erected after being returned from Italy) and the archeological museum, the Queen of Sheba’s Bath (which supplies water to Axum year-round), Ezana’s enscription, King Kaleb’s tomb, King Bazen’s tomb, and the Queen of Sheba’s Palace. You can also visit the St. Mary of Zion church, where the Ark of the Covenant is kept. Men only are allowed to enter the old church. Unfortunately, no one (except one specially chosen guardian monk) is allowed to enter the chapel where the Ark is kept. Overnight mayliko Lode Day 5 , deepart on an early morning flight to Lalibela (08:00), the most famous of all of the Ethiopian historical sites. After lunch, start your tour of the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, visiting the Northwestern Cluster of churches - Bet Medhane Alem, Bet Maryam, Bet Meskel, Bet Danaghel, Bet Mikael & Bet Golgotha (entry not permitted for women). Overnight Sora Lodge Day 6. In the morning, proceed to the airport for the return flight back to Addis ..........................................................END...........................................................


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