



将人群留在后面,并用船上的入口票直接在罗马斗兽场内!在一群不超过25人中,通过指导探索这一列表景点的第一层和第二层,了解竞争在罗马斗兽场血岭歌舞博弈的角斗士。在古罗马的罗马论坛游览,欣赏令人难以置信的遗址,就像朱利叶斯凯撒的寺庙。如果你想看罗马斯特地下室,竞技场和上层,那么升级!- 这些区域是新打开或通常是违规的。

在Oppian Hill附近开始旅游 - 着名的罗马七山之一 - 享受罗马斗兽场的全景,然后用你的指南漫步到它。作为罗马的首席群绘图网站,罗马斗兽场经常吸引长入口线。Skip them with your priority-access ticket and head straight inside for your small-group tour.As you walk around the Colosseum’s first and second tiers, your guide will keep you entertained with tales of gladiators, mock sea-battles and executions -- a fascinating insight into the amphitheater's gruesome past. Wander its circumference and learn what it must have been like when the crowds were roaring and the gladiator’s fate was decided by an emperor on a whim.After exploring the Colosseum, head outside and walk the short distance to the Roman Forum for an up-close look at some of Ancient Rome’s most evocative ruins. See sites like the Temple of Julius Caesar and the intriguing House of the Vestal Virgins, before strolling up Palatine Hill to admire the views of the ruins below. Look down over Nero’s Circus Maximus, where chariot races were once held, and then finish your tour on the Palatine Hill – the most famous of the Seven Hills of Rome.Upgrade Options:If you want to explore the Colosseum, and enjoy access to the arena floor, the underground chambers and the third tier, then upgrade! These areas are either newly opened or normally off limits, so by upgrading you’ll experience the Colosseum as few others do. The Upgrade option last 3.5hours.Walk around the reconstructed arena floor, where the gladiators once fought, and peer down in to the underground chambers below. Then, head below ground to explore them yourself, seeing the pits where lions and tigers were once caged. Your Colosseum experience finishes with a stroll around the third tier where you can enjoy panoramic views into the Colosseum as well as out onto Palatine Hill. Your tour finishes with a visit to the Roman Forum as per the standard tour option.


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