卢浮宫博物馆跳过Venus de Milo和Mona Lisa的线





Itinerarythis是这个产品的典型行程:Louvre Museum,巴黎,Ile-de-Franceyour 3小时旅行通过世界上一些伟大的艺术宝藏始于Arc Du Carrousel,毗邻卢浮宫入口。选择早上,下午或晚间旅游,并满足您的英语指南。您可以使用跳线通行证快速前往博物馆,并在大规模场地前往大量的地点,以超过35,000多个艺术品,跨越73,000多平方米的展览空间。您的入口通行证还提供免费音频耳机。从古希腊Parthenon开始漫步,随后是米洛标志性的Venus de Milo。在古代古代的画廊中,观看庆祝的翅膀胜利的Samothrace。然后前往阿波罗画廊,看看拿破仑的华丽皇家皇冠和路易XV。在德拉克罗克的绘画自由领导人民,享受法国革命的味道,并在米开朗基罗和达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎的工作中欣赏意大利文艺征。(请参阅下面的完整示例列表。)与您的小组(限制为25人),与您的指南一起参与生动聊天,并听到娱乐轶事,琐事和历史。之后,花费尽可能多的时间独立探索博物馆。 Please Note: Evening tours are limited to Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30pm. For an extra unique experience, book an evening session and wind through the quiet corridors at night, when the crowds are gone, and the artwork is basked in soft light. Enjoy the tour without all the bustle, and finish with great views of the Louvre’s glittery outside pyramid lit up after dusk. Itinerary Skip the Line: Louvre Museum Walking Tour includes but is not limited to: • Sully Wing • Roman Sculpture Hall • Venus de Milo • Frieze of the Parthenon • Etruscan Artifacts • Winged Victory of Samothrace • The Apollo Gallery (crowns of Louis XV and Napoleon) • Italian Renaissance Wing (DaVinci’s Madonna on the Rocks and Mona Lisa) • French Wing (David’s Coronation of Napoleon; Delacroix’s Victory Leading the People) • Michelangelo’s Slaves • Canova’s Psyche and Cupid Duration: 3 hours


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