Suva Shore游览:斐济之旅的宝石





你的斐济岸边游览宝石包括令人敬畏的四人游览,河流划独木舟(长船令人振奋的骑行),斐济文化村之旅,魔法瀑布游泳和竹漂流。河划独木舟在Suva港口的指定拾取位置被拿起,您将前往斐济的冒险资本区,太平洋港口 - 纳沃纳开始前往一个远离现代生活的世界之旅。享受美丽的纳沃瓦河,过去的村庄,农场土地,原始热带雨林,深峡谷和峡谷,蜿蜒的急流和众多级联瀑布。您可能会遇到野生河鸭,白和黑苍鹭和其他原生鸟类。斐济村之旅斐济战士将护送你去村会议议院(Bure)。体验年龄古老的习俗和传统,习惯性的欢迎Yaqona(Kava)仪式,将为您进行。这个神圣的仪式只是为了访问高级酋长或非常重要的访客。你将在1800年代初期获得由孤立英国人John Humphrey Danford建立的村庄的历史。看到村里的年轻人的战争舞蹈表演。见本地人庄稼,水果,蔬菜,草药和卡瓦植物。加入“Taralala&Tuboto”(蛇舞)。 Shop for village handicraft souvenirs. Witness the unearthing of your lovo lunch (cooked underground) before enjoying this with other Fijian delicacies, local fruits and soft drinks. Watch woman plating Fijian mats. Visit a village pre-school kindergarten. Watch woman folk dances. Learn about coconut by-products, tapa painting and the farewell song - "Isa Lei".Note: On Sunday's the cultural dances will be excluded by the men & woman as its Sabbath and most of them will be attending Sunday Church. Magic Waterfall Navua River's biggest waterfall situated approximately 1 hour up the river. Only a short 5-minute walk into the wilderness to get to the first pool. For the more adventurous, the guides are there to help you to get to the bigger falls. Your tour company has the sole right from the native owners to use these waterfalls. Bamboo Rafting Leisurely ride on the unsinkable "HMS BILIBILI" a.k.a the HMS No Come Back. Explore the only way the local Fijian’s ancestors had to travel before roads or vehicles were introduced. A reenactment of centuries old only means of transport down river. This is a smooth thrilling ride with no motors used. Go with the flow on this minimum 30-minute ride. At the end of your tour you will be taken back to your cruise ship at the Port of Suva.


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