
水上运动旅游套餐包括免费的汽车接送,从您的Nadi, Wailoaloa或Denarauaccommodation在您出发的早上和返回的晚上。教练必须bepre-booked。如果您未能登船,到达/离开德纳罗港是您自己的责任。机场,纳迪国际机场,斐济维提列岛to Returns to original departure point




行程第1天:Yasawa Flyer,您将于上午8:45从Denarau港乘坐Yasawa Flyer游轮前往美丽的蓝礁湖地区。蓝色珊瑚海滩,Nanuya FijiReef Lailai岛浮潜,探索原始水域和珊瑚礁的萨瓦群岛自由泳或指导和经验钓鱼在传统的斐济人多年来喂他们的家人——用一个简单的钓丝和hookDuration: 45 minutesNo餐包括在这一天。第2天:蓝色泻湖-第二天在清新的海风中醒来,品味你的小片岛屿天堂。停留地点:Sawa-I-Lau洞穴,斐济679号。乘船前往Sawa-I-Lau地区是值得一游的,但除此之外,还有神圣洞穴的神奇体验。不需要潜水经验,但如果需要,可以提供漂浮设备。我们建议您选择通过水下隧道进入次生石灰岩洞穴。持续时间:2小时。当日不含三餐。住宿包括:选择简单的停留-黄金海岸或长滩度假村或轻松度假村-桨手湾小屋或蓝色泻湖海滩第3天:最好的纳维提岛。免费的上午,然后一个下午转移到您的下一个一流的海滩位置通过:博泰拉海滩度假村,斐济在一个壮丽的沙滩与海湾,你不能得到一个更隐蔽的斐济假日比在博泰拉。美丽的住宿和友好的工作人员都是交易的一部分!博泰拉海滩度假村是一个受欢迎的度假胜地,不难看出原因!这里与世隔绝,没有其他财产,也没有文明的迹象。 The small family-run resort radiates Fijian culture and you'll get caught up in the friendly and fun atmosphere.No meals included on this day.Accommodation included: Choose:Simple Stays - White Sandy Beach or Korovou orRelaxed Resorts - Mantaray Island Resort or Barefoot Manta Day 4: Awesome Naviti, enjoy a day of leisure or one of the many activities your chosen island has to offer. Pass By: Naviti Island, Naviti Island, Yasawa IslandsNaviti is a volcanic island in the Yasawa Group. Naviti covers an area of 34 square kilometers, with a maximum elevation of 388 meters. The Island is covered in dense tropical dry forests, with an abundance of mangrove trees. If you have purchased the Awesome Experiences activity ad on pack, today is the day to (May to Oct) experience swimming with the manta rays, you will talk about it for decades to come! Swimming with these majestic creatures must be one of the most amazing experiences the natural world has to offer. (Nov to April) Snorkel at the nearby reef sites No meals included on this day.Accommodation included: Choose:Simple Stays - White Sandy Beach or Korovou orRelaxed Resorts - Mantaray Island Resort or Barefoot Manta Day 5: It's island time! Do what you like until midafternoon when we pick you up on Yasawa Flyer and head to Mamanuca IslandPass By: Mamanuca Islands, Mamanuca IslandsYou must see the beautiful Mamanuca Islands of Fiji. Take a day trip with South Sea Cruises to Gorgeous little South Sea Island, one of the treasures of the Mamanuca Islands. Crystal clear waters, coral reefs and thousands of colourful tropical fish surround the tiny island. Strolling from one side of the island to the other takes all of a minute but, small as it may be, you'll have no trouble finding your own spot in paradise. Hammocks sway peacefully under the cool shade of palm trees and there's plenty of sandy areas to relax under the trees. Catch some rays of sunshine with a cocktail or cool drink beside the pool, or take to the calm, clear waters with your snorkel to explore the magnificent underwater world below.No meals included on this day.Accommodation included: Choose:Relaxed Resorts - South Sea Island or Beachcomber Island ResortDay 6: Port Denarau. if you have purchased "Awesome Experiences" today you will enjoy Seaspray Adventure or enjoy on the islandPass By: Monuriki, FijiIf you have purchased the Awesome Experiences’ package, today you will enjoy your “Seaspray Day Adventure”. You will be picked up from South Sea Island or Beachcomber and travel to Mana Island on board our fast catamaran where you will transfer directly to the Seaspray yacht. SEASPRAY DAY ADVENTURE There’s nothing like a day at sea for a big appetite so we include morning and afternoon tea plus a barbecue lunch. All your drinks are included as well with wine, beer, soft drinks, tea and coffee available throughout the day while on-board Seaspray. After your “Seaspray Day Adventure” you will be transferred back to Mana to connect with our fast catamaran to transfer back to Port Denarau. No meals included on this day.No accommodation included on this day.


  • 住宿包括:5晚
  • 从Nadi, Denarau和amp;Wailoaloa酒店/度假村
  • 从德纳劳港到指定岛屿酒店/度假村的标准级回程船
  • 在选定的酒店/度假村住宿5晚


  • 食物及饮料,除非特别注明
  • 膳食计划请联系供应商了解详情
  • 详细信息,请联系供应商
  • 入口/入场-蓝色泻湖海滩
  • 入口/入场-泽和怡流石窟


一天1第一天:Yasawa Flyer,您将于上午8:45从Denarau港出发,巡航至令人惊叹的蓝礁湖地区 停在:蓝色珊瑚海滩,Nanuya Lailai斐济岛珊瑚礁潜水,探索原始水域和珊瑚礁的萨瓦群岛自由泳或指导和经验钓鱼在传统的斐济人多年来喂他们的家庭——一个简单的钓丝和钩持续时间:45分钟这一天不包括吃饭。住宿包括:选择简单的停留-黄金海岸或长滩度假村或放松度假村-桨手湾小屋或蓝色泻湖海滩

一天2第二天:蓝色泻湖——第二天在清新的海风中醒来,品味你的小小岛屿天堂。 停留地点:斐济679号沙河依流洞穴乘船前往沙河依流地区是值得一游的,但同时也会有神圣洞穴的神奇体验。不需要潜水经验,但如果需要,可以提供漂浮设备。我们建议您选择通过水下隧道进入次生石灰岩洞穴。持续时间:2小时当日不含三餐。住宿包括:选择简单的停留-黄金海岸或长滩度假村或放松度假村-桨手湾小屋或蓝色泻湖海滩

一天3.第三天:纳维提岛美景。免费的上午,然后一个早下午转乘Yasawa Flyer到你的下一个一流的海滩位置 通过:博泰拉海滩度假村,斐济设置在一个壮丽的沙滩与一个横扫的海湾,你不能得到一个更隐蔽的斐济假期比在博泰拉。美丽的住宿和友好的工作人员都是交易的一部分!博泰拉海滩度假村是一个受欢迎的度假胜地,不难看出原因!这里与世隔绝,没有其他财产,也没有文明的迹象。这个小型家庭经营的度假村散发着斐济文化的气息,你会沉浸在友好和有趣的氛围中。这一天不包括吃饭。住宿包括:选择:简单停留-白色沙滩或Korovou或放松度假村-曼塔雷岛度假村或赤脚曼塔

一天4第四天:令人敬畏的纳维提人,享受一天的休闲时光,或者你选择的岛屿提供的众多活动之一。 途经:Naviti岛,Naviti岛,Yasawa群岛Naviti岛是Yasawa群中的一座火山岛。Naviti占地面积34平方公里,最高海拔388米。岛上覆盖着茂密的热带干燥森林,有大量的红树林。如果你已经购买了Awesome experience活动广告包,今天是(5月到10月)体验与蝠鲼游泳的日子,你会谈论它几十年!与这些雄伟的生物一起游泳一定是自然界提供的最令人惊叹的体验之一。(11月至4月)在附近的珊瑚礁潜水,这一天不包括吃饭。住宿包括:选择:简单停留-白色沙滩或Korovou或放松度假村-曼塔雷岛度假村或赤脚曼塔

一天5第五天:岛上时间!下午三点前你想干什么就干什么,然后我们乘亚萨瓦飞机去马马努卡岛接你 您一定要看看斐济美丽的马马努卡群岛。乘坐南海游轮到美丽的南海小岛一日游,这是马马努卡群岛的珍宝之一。清澈的海水、珊瑚礁和成千上万五颜六色的热带鱼环绕着这个小岛。从岛的一边漫步到另一边只需要一分钟,尽管它可能很小,但在天堂里找到属于你自己的地方并不困难。吊床在凉爽的棕榈树树荫下平静地摇摆,树下有大量的沙地可以放松。在泳池边喝一杯鸡尾酒或冷饮,享受几缕阳光,或者用呼吸管到平静、清澈的海水中探索壮丽的水下世界。这一天不包括吃饭。住宿包括:选择:放松的度假胜地-南海岛或Beachcomber岛度假村

一天6第六天:德纳罗港。如果你今天已经购买了“令人惊叹的体验”,你将享受海洋冒险或在岛上享受 如果您已经购买了Awesome Experiences的套餐,今天您将享受您的“海洋日探险”。您将从南海岛或Beachcomber搭乘我们的快速双体船前往Mana岛,在那里您将直接转到Seaspray游艇。没有什么比在海上度过一天更能让人胃口大开的了,所以我们会在早餐和下午茶中加入烧烤午餐。所有的饮料包括葡萄酒,啤酒,软饮料,茶和咖啡,在船上一天。在您的“海景日探险”结束后,您将被转回Mana,与我们的快速双体船连接,转回Denarau港。这一天不包括吃饭。这一天不包括住宿。