




行程第1天:周一-第1晚:Yalobi海湾停留地点:Yalobi,斐济加入私人高速双体船转移到SacredIsles。欢迎乘坐斐济公主号。办理登机手续,然后在船上享用午餐。剩下的时间可以游泳、浮潜或放松。斐济式茶点是在学习如何制作“Rotiin Lolo”之后提供的。享受一杯起泡酒在日落,之前的船长的晚餐。由我们才华横溢的唱歌,跳舞,吉他演奏团队提供的娱乐。安克雷奇:雅洛比湾持续时间:12小时三餐包括:•晚餐:船长晚餐- A-la-carte晚餐在餐厅餐厅。住宿包括:兰花甲板位于上甲板和中甲板或芙蓉甲板位于下甲板第2天:周二- 2晚:蓝色泻湖停站:Nanuya Lailai Island, Nanuya Lailai Island, Yasawa Island目的地:著名的蓝色泻湖。这片壮丽的水域被岛屿环绕,蓝色泻湖游轮的私人岛屿半岛就坐落在这里。 Watch as thecrew position the vessel right up to the beach and tie her off tothe coconut trees. Enjoy happy hour on shore with canapés.A very special night enjoying a traditional Lovo meal cookedunderground, you’ll dine under the coconut palms and thetropical stars. There will be Fijian meke: singing, dancing andstory telling by local villagers.Anchorage: Blue LagoonDuration: 1 day 6 hoursMeals included: • Breakfast: American Breakfast at leisure in the Dining Saloon • Lunch: BBQ lunch will be served on the beach. • Dinner: Enjoy a traditional Lovo meal cooked underground, you’ll dine under the coconut palms and the tropical starsAccommodation included: Orchid Deck situated on upper & middle deck Or Hibiscus Deck situated on lower deckDay 3: WEDNESDAY - 3rd night: Sawa-I-Lau IslandStop At: Sawa-I-Lau Caves, 679 FijiA guided island walk across the island is offered this morningto visit an island style cake shop and browse the shell market.This offers stunning panoramic views of the surroundingIslands, or choose to laze in the sun or try your hand at basketweaving. A guided snorkelling safari is also on offer today.Lunch is served on board as M.V. Fiji Princess cruises northfor a private guided visit to the amazing Sawa-I-Lau caves.The village of Tamasua welcomes us to a yaqona ceremony,a guided walk around the village and a village style ‘feast’prepared and cooked by the village women. You will be Fijianfor the night, sitting on the mats, eating Fijian village food.The villagers will share their culture and home with us for theevening.Anchorage: Sawa-I-Lau IslandDuration: 16 hoursMeals included: • Breakfast: American Breakfast at leisure in the Dining Saloon • Lunch: Buffet lunch is served on board as we set sail North to our destination for the afternoon. • Dinner: Tonight we will visit Tamasua village on shore and enjoy a seafood dinnerAccommodation included: Orchid Deck situated on upper & middle deck Or Hibiscus Deck situated on lower deckDay 4: THURSDAY - 4th night: Drawaqa IslandStop At: Drawaqa Island, Drawaqa Island, Yasawa IslandsCruise to Drawaqa Island where our Marine Biologist joinsus for a presentation about the local marine life and thevolunteer conservation work carried out in the area. DuringMay to October you will have the opportunity to snorkel withthe magnificent manta rays. Also on offer today is an excursionto the local island school to view the work of the Vinaka FijiVolunteers. Dinner this evening is a barbecue served underthe stars. Tonight we party night Fiji style.Anchorage: Drawaqa IslandDuration: 18 hoursMeals included: • Breakfast: American Breakfast at leisure in the Dining Saloon • Lunch: Buffet lunch is served in the Dining Saloon • Dinner: BBQ on the Sun Deck – Dinner tonight is served under the stars on the Sky Deck.Accommodation included: Orchid Deck situated on upper & middle deck Or Hibiscus Deck situated on lower deckDay 5: FRIDAY - Back to Port Denarau Stop At: Port Denarau Marina, Port Denarau, Denarau Island, Viti Levu 679 FijiEnjoy breakfast onboard as M.V. Fiji Princess cruises backtoward Port Denarau. Along the way you will be serenadedwith a traditional Isa Lei farewell song by the crew, as yourexploration of the beautiful Yasawa Islands comes to an end.Duration: 15 minutesMeals included: • Breakfast: American Breakfast at leisure in the Dining SaloonNo accommodation included on this day.


  • 4 x早餐
  • 4 x晚餐
  • 3 x的午餐
  • 食宿包括:4晚
  • 带私人设施的机舱住宿
  • 邮轮运输及服务
  • 所有膳食(早餐、午餐及午餐;晚餐,早上,下午茶)
  • 早餐气泡-每日早餐提供气泡酒
  • 免费自流矿泉水站在每个甲板上,每天24小时可用
  • 免费的茶和咖啡在主用餐区提供一天24小时。
  • 有导游的岸上游览,门票和活动包括在邮轮的行程
  • 使用浮潜装备所有船上设施,包括游泳池和游泳池;客人图书馆。
  • 克鲁斯娱乐。
  • 酒吧内有免费WIFI;在Wifi范围内的户外甲板区域
  • 所有客舱(包括兰花甲板和芙蓉甲板)现在将提供一个优质的迷你酒吧在一天
  • 2个品牌的当地啤酒,精选的软饮料,斐济巧克力,
  • ,一瓶法国起泡酒,当地美食小吃和瓶装(玻璃)自流矿泉水。
  • 高级咖啡机位于所有客舱,提供免费茶和amp选择;咖啡
  • 蓝色泻湖邮轮70周年纪念品牌礼物时尚的海滩手提袋,高质量的苏鲁和
  • 每人一个可重复使用的饮料瓶。
  • 入口/入场-泽和怡流石窟


  • 潜水(额外费用)
  • 酒店下车
  • 运动钓鱼
  • 按摩和美容


一天1第一天:星期一-第一天晚上:雅洛比湾 乘坐私人高速双体船前往圣岛。欢迎乘坐斐济公主号。办理登机手续,然后在船上享用午餐。剩下的时间可以游泳、浮潜或放松。斐济式下午茶是在如何制作“罗洛烤肉”的烹饪课之后提供的。享受一杯起泡酒在日落,之前的船长的晚餐。由我们才华横溢的唱歌,跳舞,吉他演奏团队提供的娱乐。安克雷奇:雅洛比湾持续时间:12小时餐点包括:•晚餐:船长晚餐- A-la-carte晚餐在餐厅。住宿包括:兰花甲板位于楼上;中甲板或位于下甲板的木槿甲板

一天2第二天:星期二-第二晚:蓝礁湖 我们的目的地:著名的蓝礁湖。这片壮丽的水域被岛屿环绕,蓝色泻湖邮轮的私人岛屿半岛就坐落在这里。看着船员把船停在海滩上把它绑在椰子树上。请与canapés一起享受岸上的快乐时光。这是一个非常特别的夜晚,你可以在椰子树和热带星星下享用传统的地下洛夫大餐。当地村民将会唱歌、跳舞、讲故事。安克雷奇:蓝礁湖持续时间:1天6小时膳食包括:•早餐:在餐厅休闲的美式早餐•午餐:烧烤午餐将在海滩上提供。•晚餐:享受地下烹饪的传统Lovo餐,您将在椰子树和热带之星下用餐。中甲板或位于下甲板的木槿甲板

一天3.第三天:星期三-第三晚:泽和义流岛 停留地点:斐济679 Sawa-I-Lau Caves这提供了周围岛屿的令人惊叹的全景,或选择懒洋洋地在阳光下或尝试你的手编织篮子。今天还提供有导游的浮潜旅行。斐济公主号游轮向北航行,在私人导游的带领下参观了令人惊叹的sawi - lau洞穴,船上提供午餐。塔马苏亚村欢迎我们参加雅可纳仪式,有导游带领我们在村子里漫步,村里的妇女还准备了一顿乡村风格的“盛宴”。你将在斐济过夜,坐在垫子上,吃着斐济乡村食物。村民们将在晚上与我们分享他们的文化和家。安克雷奇:沙瓦依流岛持续时间:16小时餐食包括:•早餐:在餐厅休闲的美式早餐•午餐:在我们向北航行前往目的地的下午,船上提供自助午餐。•晚餐:今晚我们将参观Tamasua村,享受海鲜晚餐。中甲板或位于下甲板的木槿甲板

一天4第四天:星期四-第四晚:德拉瓦卡岛 停在:德拉瓦卡岛,德拉瓦卡岛,亚萨瓦岛巡航到德拉瓦卡岛,我们的海洋生物学家和我们一起介绍当地的海洋生物和在该地区进行的志愿保护工作。在5月到10月期间,您将有机会与美丽的蝠鲼一起潜水。今天还提供到当地岛屿学校参观维纳卡斐济志愿者的工作。今晚的晚餐是露天烧烤。今晚我们斐济式的派对。安克雷奇:德拉瓦卡岛持续时间:18小时餐点包括:•早餐:在餐厅休闲的美式早餐•午餐:在餐厅提供自助午餐•晚餐:在阳光甲板上烧烤-晚餐在天空甲板上的星星下提供。住宿包括:兰花甲板位于楼上;中甲板或位于下甲板的木槿甲板

一天5第五天:星期五-返回德纳罗港 停靠点:德纳劳码头,德纳劳港,德纳劳岛,维提列岛679斐济。乘坐“斐济公主号”游轮返回德纳劳港,享受早餐。一路上,船员们将为您献上一首传统的伊萨·雷告别歌曲,您对美丽的亚萨瓦群岛的探索将宣告结束。用餐时间:15分钟含餐:•早餐:美式早餐,在餐厅休闲,当天不含住宿。