吴英豪 副研究员

       吴英豪,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。主要从事海洋苛刻环境防护涂层结构设计及界面强化研究,研制的防腐蚀耐冲蚀涂层材料成功应用于舟山港主通道、通苏嘉甬铁路等大型跨海桥梁工程和海上风力发电等重要关键工程,可满足高防腐、抗冲蚀、长寿命等共性要求。在Advanced Functional Materials、Advances in Colloid and Interface Science、Carbon、Journal of Materials Science and Technology、Journal of alloys and compounds等期刊发表学术论文20余篇,申请国家发明专利6项,已授权3项。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、浙江省自然科学基金探索项目、宁波市青年博士创新项目、中远海运横向课题等,参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目、宁波市自然科学基金2025宁波市创新重大项目、浙江省2022年省“尖兵”“领雁”项目等,参与编写《石墨烯改性功能涂料》专著,同时是Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Applied Material and Interface、Corrosion Science、Applied Surface Science、Surface Coating and Technology等期刊审稿人。获得2016年度和2019年度宁波市研究生学术节“学术之星金奖”和“最佳报告奖”、第六届全国涂料科学与技术会议“未来青年科学家论坛一等奖”,2021年获得“海洋实验先锋”称号,2023海洋强国青年科学家提名奖,宁波市涂料与涂装行业协会第六届专家委员会技术创新组专家,宁波市领军拔尖人才第三层次,《铜业工程》首届青年编委。






       1.国家自然科学基金资助项目(青年科学基金), 52105230, 2022-01-01至2024-12-31, 30万元;

       2.国家重点研发计划项目课题二任务一, 2022YFB3808802,  2022年10月至2025年10月, 320万元;

       3.浙江省自然科学基金(探索项目/探索青年), LQ22E030019, 2022-01至2024-12, 10万元;

       4.宁波市自然科学基金(青年博士创新项目), 20221JCGY010292, 2022-09-01至2024-09-01, 20万元;

       5.中远海运能源年度科研计划项目, 2022Y0011-3, 2022-07-01至2024-04-30, 220万;

       6.BOB彩票 “优秀博士后”, 40万元;


      1. Yinghao Wu, Jinming Wei*, Xiaolu Shi, Wenjie Zhao*, Achieving anti-corrosion and anti-biofouling dual-function self-healing coating by natural carrier attapulgite loading with 2-Undecylimidazoline, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2023, 148, 222-234.

      2. Yufan Chen, YinghaoWu*, Wenjie Zhao*, Constructing Ti3C2Tx/Carbon fiber hybrids for enhancing the interfacial strength and erosion wear resistance of EP-based composite coating, Carbon, 2023, 202, 196-206.

      3. Yiqian Lv, Yueqing Zheng*,Honglin Zhu, Yinghao Wu*, Designing a dual-functional material with barrier anti-corrosion and photocatalytic antifouling properties using g-C3N4 nanosheet with ZnO nanoring, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2022, 106, 56-69.(高被引)  

      4.Yinghao Wu, Tian-Yu Sun, Tianhao Ge, Wenjie Zhao*, and Liang-Feng Huang*, Eliminating the galvanic corrosion effect of graphene coating by an accurate and rapid self-assembling defect healing approach, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2110264.

      5. Qingyuan Zhao, Zhangpeng Lu, Yinghao Wu*, Wenjie Zhao*, Designing strong interfacial adhesion between carbon fiber and epoxy resin via dopamine towards excellent protection ability under high hydrostatic pressure and severe erosion corrosion condition, Composite Science and Technology, 2022, 217, 109090.

      6. Yinghao Wu, Wenjie Zhao*, Junfei Ou*, Stable, superfast and self-healing fluid coating with active corrosion resistance, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 259, 102494.

      7.Mingyu Xie, Wenjie Zhao*,Yinghao Wu*, Preventing algae biofilm formation via designing long-term oil storage surfaces for excellent antifouling performance, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 554, 149612.

      8. Yinghao Wu, Wenjie Zhao*, Xinyu Zhu, Qunji Xue. Improving the corrosion resistance of graphene-coated copper via accurate defect healing without sacrificing electronic conductivity, Carbon, 2019, 153, 95-99.

      9. Yinghao Wu, Xinyu Zhu, Wenjie Zhao*, Yanjun Wang, Chunting Wang, Qunji Xue. Corrosion mechanism of graphene coating with different defect levels. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777, 135-144.




