陆之毅 研究员

陆之毅 研究员,博士生导师,获得国家级和中科院人才项目,浙江省海外高层次人才创新长期项目支持。2010年和2015年分别获北京化工大学获本科和博士学位。2016年3月至2019年8月在斯坦福大学材料系从事博士后研究。2019年9月获聘研究员,全职加入BOB彩票 。主要从事面向电催化应用的电极材料与结构研究,与团队成员一直保持着紧密的科研合作,提出并验证了电化学调控催化剂以及超浸润电极结构的新思路,并成功应用于电解水与燃料电池体系中,获得了能量转化效率的大幅提升。以第一作者(含共同第一作者)或者通讯联系人在Nat. Catal., Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater., Acc. Chem. Res.等国内外顶级期刊发表论文30余篇,其中ESI高被引论文8篇,总被引超过3000次,并获授权中国专利5项。



1   Z. Lu, Y. Cui*, High-efficiency Oxygen Reduction to Hydrogen Peroxide Catalysed by Oxidized Carbon Materials, Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 2, 156-162.
2.  Z. Lu, Y. Cui*, Electrochemical tuning of layered lithium transition metal oxides for improvement of oxygen evolution reaction, Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4345.

3.   Z. Lu, Y. Cui*, Identifying the Active Surfaces of Electrochemically Tuned LiCoO2 for Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 17, 6270-6276.

4. Z. Lu, X. Sun*, L. Jiang*, Ultrahigh Hydrogen Evolution Performance of Under-Water “Superaerophobic” MoS2 Nanostructured Electrodes, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 17, 2683-2687.

5.Z. Lu, X. Sun*, Superaerophobic Electrodes for Direct Hydrazine Fuel Cells, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 14, 2361-2366.

6.Z. Lu, X. Sun*, L. Jiang*, Superaerophilic Carbon-Nanotube-Array Electrode for High-Performance Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 33, 7155-7161.

7. Z. Lu, Y. Cui*, Lithium Electrochemical Tuning for Electrocatalysis, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30, 48, 1800978.

8. W. Xu, Z. Lu*, X. Sun*, Super-wetting Electrode for Gas-involving Electrocatalysis, Accounts of Chemical Research, 2018, 51, 7, 1590-1598.

9. Z. Lu, X. Sun*, Nanoarray based “Superaerophobic” Surfaces for Gas Evolution Reaction Electrodes, Materials Horizons, 2015, 2, 3, 294-298.

10. Z. Lu, X. Sun*, Three-dimensional NiFe Layered Double Hydroxide Film for High-efficiency Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 49, 6479-6482.


邮箱: luzhiyi@nimte.ac.cn