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日期:2015-11-15, 查看:18467


E-mail: liuyw@nimte.ac.cn



2001.07-2005.07:天津大学,应用物理专业 (电子信息工程双学位),本科生;


















2014年 宁波市发明创新大赛铜奖

2012年 宁波市自然科学优秀论文二等奖

2012年  天津市自然科学二等奖

2010年 中科院优秀共青团员



针对智能运动、智慧医疗、智能机器人等产业对柔性、弹性及仿生传感器的需求,开展柔性/弹性磁电敏感材料和传感器的制备、调控及其应用研究。主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目、中科院国际合作重点项目、中科院联合基金项目子课题、浙江省公益攻关项目、宁波市重大科技攻关项目、宁波市2025重大科技专项、企业合作项目等;作为项目主要贡献人及核心骨干,参与策划并组织实施了973子课题、科技部中日政府间合作项目、中科院装备计划、宁波市国际合作等项目。已经在 Sci. Robot.、Adv. Mater.、ACS Nano等期刊发表 SCI论文 50余篇;申请发明专利 40 项,授权 26项,受到了IEEE SPECTRUM,Advanced Science News,Materials Views China,eeNews Europe,中国科学院等多家新闻网站的报道;“利用弹性智能手套实现手势控制机械手”的科研成果被央视国际新闻频道CGTN《全景中国》栏目作为典型科技进展进行报道。










1. Waqas Asghar, Fali Li, Youlin Zhou, Yuanzhao Wu, Zhe Yu, Shengbin Li, Daxiu Tang, Xintong Han, Jie Shang, Yiwei Liu*, Run-Wei Li*. Piezocapacitive Flexible E-Skin Pressure Sensors Having Magnetically Grown Microstructures. Adv. Mater. Technol. 5, 1900934 (2020).

2. Daxiu Tang, Zhe Yu, Yong He, Waqas Asghar, Ya-Nan Zheng, Fali Li, Changcheng Shi, Roozbeh Zarei, Yiwei Liu, Jie Shang*, Xiang Liu, Run-Wei Li*. Strain-Insensitive Elastic Surface Electromyographic(sEMG) Electrode for Efficient Recognition of Exercise Intensities. Micromachines 11, 239 (2020).

3. Ya-Nan Zheng, Zhe Yu, Guoyong Mao, Yunyao Li, Waqas Asghar, Yiwei Liu, Shaoxing Qu, Jie Shang*, Run-Wei Li*. A Wearable Capacitive Sensor Based on Ring/Disc-shaped Electrode and Porous Dielectric for Non-contact Healthcare Monitoring. Global Challenges No. gch2.201900079R3. (2020).

4. Youlin Zhou, Yuanzhao Wu, Waqas Asghar, Jun Ding, Xinran Su, Shengbin Li, Fali Li, Zhe Yu, Jie Shang, Yiwei Liu*, Run-Wei Li*. Asymmetric Structure Based Flexible Strain Sensor for Simultaneous Detection of Various Human Joint Motions. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 1866 (2019).

5. Peng-Juan Cao, Yiwei Liu*, Waqas Asghar, Chao Hu, Fali Li, Yuanzhao Wu, Yunyao Li, Zhe Yu, Shengbin Li, Jie Shang, Xincai Liu,* and Run-Wei Li*. A Stretchable Capacitive Strain Sensor Having Adjustable Elastic Modulus Capability for Wide-Range Force Detection. Adv. Eng. Mater. 1901239 (2019).

6. Yuxin Wang, Zhe Yu, Jie Shang*, Yiwei Liu and Run-Wei Li*. Review of Liquid Metal-Based Strain and Tactile Sensors. Research & Development in Material Science 5,1-4. (2018)【Invited Review】

7. Zhe Yu, Jie Shang*, Xuhong Niu, Yiwei Liu, Gang Liu, Pravarthana Dhanapal, Yanan Zheng, Huali Yang, Yuanzhao Wu, Youlin Zhou, Yuxin Wang, Daxiu Tang, and Run-Wei Li*. A Composite Elastic Conductor with High Dynamic Stability Based on 3D-Calabash Bunch Conductive Network Structure for Wearable Devices. Advanced Electronic Materials 1800137 (2018)

8. Fali Li, Qin Qin, Youlin Zhou, Yuanzhao Wu, Wuhong Xue, Shuang Gao, Jie Shang,Yiwei Liu*, and Run-Wei Li*.Recyclable Liquid Metal-Based Circuit on Paper. Adv. Mater. Tech. 1800131 (2018)

9. Yuanzhao Wu, Yiwei Liu*, Fali Li, Youlin Zhou, Jun Ding, Run-Wei Li*. A novel approach based on magneto-electric torque sensor for non-contact biomarkers detection.Sensors&Actuat. B: Chem. 276,540 (2018)

10. Yuanzhao Wu, Yiwei Liu*, Youlin Zhou, Qikui Man, Chao Hu, Waqas Asghar, Fali Li, Zhe Yu, Jie Shang, Gang Liu, Meiyong Liao, Run-Wei Li*. A skin-inspired tactile sensor for smart prosthetics. Sci. Robot. 3, eaat0429. (2018) 【《科学》杂志子刊

11. Yuxin Wang, Zhe Yu, Guoyong Mao, Yiwei Liu, Gang Liu, Jie Shang*, Shaoxing Qu, Qingming Chen, and Run-Wei Li*.Printable Liquid-Metal@PDMS Stretchable Heater with High Stretchability and Dynamic Stability for Wearable Thermotherapy. Adv. Mater. Tech. 1800435. (2018)

12. Yali Xie, Qingfeng Zhan, Tian Shang, Huali Yang, Yiwei Liu, Baomin Wang*, Run-Wei Li*. Electric field control of magnetic properties in FeRh/PMN-PT heterostructures. AIP Advances 8, 055816 (2018).

13. Yuanzhao Wu, Yiwei Liu*,Qingfeng Zhan, J. Ping Liu, and Run-Wei Li*. Rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 using Tunneling magnetoresistance biosensor. AIP Adv. 7, 056658 (2017).

14. Chun-Lei Zheng, Yiwei Liu*, Qing-Feng Zhan, Yuan-Zhao Wu, and Run-Wei Li*. Giant low-frequency magnetoelectric torque (MET) effect in polyvinylidene-fluoride (PVDF)-based MET device. Chin. Phys. B 26, 6, 067703 (2017).

15. Wuhong Xue, Gang Liu*, Zhicheng Zhong, Yuehua Dai, Jie Shang, Yiwei Liu, Huali Yang, Xiaohui Yi, Hongwei Tan, Liang Pan, Shuang Gao, Jun Ding, Xiao-Hong Xu, Run-Wei Li*. A 1D Vanadium Dioxide Nanochannel Constructed via Electric-Field-Induced Ion Transport and its Superior Metal–Insulator Transition, Adv. Mater. 29, 1702162 (2017).

16. Huihui Li, Qingfeng Zhan*, Yiwei Liu, Luping Liu, Huali Yang, Zhenghu Zuo, Tian Shang, Baomin Wang, and Run-Wei Li*. Stretchable Spin Valve with Stable Magnetic Field Sensitivity by Ribbon-Patterned Periodic Wrinkles. ACS Nano 10, 4403 (2016).

17. Luping Liu, Qingfeng Zhan*, Huali Yang, Huihui Li, Shuanglan Zhang, Yiwei Liu, Baomin Wang, Xiaohua Tan, Run-Wei Li*. Magnetostrictive GMR Spin Valves With Composite FeGa/FeCo Free Layers. AIP Advances 6, 035206 (2016).

18. Yao Zhang, Qingfeng Zhan*, Xin Rong, Huihui Li, Zhenghu Zuo, Yiwei Liu, Baomin Wang, Run-Wei Li*. Influence of thermal deformation on exchange bias in FeGa/IrMn bilayers grown on flexible polyvinylidene fluoride membranes. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 52, 2529722 (2016)

19. Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan*, B. M. Wang, H. H. Li, Y. Z. Wu, B. Chen,  D. D. Sun, S. N. Mao, R.-W. Li*. Modulation of Magnetic Anisotropy in Flexible Multiferroic FeGa/PVDF Heterostructures under Various Strains. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 2501404 (2015).

20. Huali Yang, Yiwei Liu, Jiandi Zhang*, Xiangqun Zhang, Zhaohua Cheng, Yali Xie, Baomin Wang, Qingfeng Zhan,B. G. Shen, E. W. Plummer, and Run-Wei Li*. Anisotropic field-induced melting of orbital ordered structure in Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3. Physical Review B 91,174405.(2015)

21. Zhenghu Zuo, Bin Chen, Baomin Wang, Huali Yang, Qingfeng Zhan, Yiwei Liu, Junling Wang & Run-Wei Li*. Strain assisted electrocaloric effect in PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 films on 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 substrate. Scientific Reports 5, 16164 (2015).

22. Yiwei Liu, B. M. Wang*, Q. F. Zhan, Z. H. Tang, H. L. Yang, G. Liu, Z. H. Zuo, X. S. Zhang, X. L. Xie, X. J. Zhu, B. Chen, J. L. Wang and R. -W. Li*. Positive temperature coefficient of magnetic anisotropy in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF);-based magnetic composites. Scientific Reports 4, 6615 (2014).

23. Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan*, G. H. Dai, X. S. Zhang, B. M. Wang, G. Liu,Z. H. Zuo, X. Rong, H. L. Yang, X. J. Zhu, X. L. Xie, B. Chen & R. -W. Li*. Thermally assisted electric field control of magnetism in flexible multiferroic heterostructures. Scientific Reports 4, 6925 (2014).

24. Yiwei Liu, R. Yang, H. L. Yang, D. M. Wang, Q. F. Zhan, G. Y. Zhang, X. L. Xie, B. Chen, and R. -W. Li*. Anomalous anisotropic magnetoresistance effects in graphene. AIP Advances 4, 097101 (2014).

25. Huali Yang, Baomin Wang, Yiwei Liu, Zhihuan Yang, Xiaojian Zhu, Yali Xie, Zhenghu Zuo, Bin Chen, Qingfeng Zhan, Junling Wang, Run-Wei Li*, Unusual anisotropic magnetoresistance in charge-orbital ordered Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 polycrystals, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 234505 (2014).

26. Y. L. Xie, Q. F. Zhan*, Yiwei Liu, G. H. Dai, H. L. Yang, Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, B. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Rong, and R. -W. Li*. Electric-field control of magnetic anisotropy in Fe81Ga19/ BaTiO3 heterostructure films. AIP Advances 4, 117113 (2014).

27. Z. H. Yang, Q. F. Zhan*, X. J. Zhu, Yiwei Liu, H. L. Yang, B. L. Hu, J. Shang, L. Pan, B. Chen and R. -W. Li*. Tunneling magnetoresistance induced by controllable formation of Co filaments in resistive switching Co/ZnO/Fe structures. Europhysics Letters 108, 58004 (2014).

28. Z. H. Tang, B. M. Wang*, H. L. Yang, X. Y. Xu, Yiwei Liu, D. D. Sun, L. X. Xia, Q. F. Zhan, B. Chen, M. H. Tang,Y. C. Zhou, J. L. Wang, and R. -W. Li*. Magneto-mechanical coupling effect in amorphous Co40Fe40B20 films grown on flexible substrates. Applied Physics Letters 105, 103504 (2014).

29. Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan*, and R. -W. Li*. Fabrication, properties, and applications of flexible magnetic films. Chinese Physics B 22, 127502(2013). [Invited review]

30. Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Yang, H. L. Yang, X. L. Xie, K. Sadhana, B. Chen,Q. F. Zhan*,and R. -W. Li*. Anisotropic magnetoresistance in epitaxial La0.67(Ca1-xSrx)0.33MnO3 films. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C722 (2013).

31. G. H. Dai, Q. F. Zhan*, H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, X. S. Zhang, Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, and R. -W. Li*. Controllable strain-induced uniaxial anisotropy of Fe81Ga19 films deposited on flexible bowed-substrates. Journal of Applied Physics 114, 173913 (2013).

32. H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, and R. -W. Li*. Progress on anisotropy magnetoresistance effect in perovskite manganites. SPIN 2,1230004(2013).  [Invited review]

33.  X. L. Xie, H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Yang, B. Chen, Z. H. Zuo, K. Sadhana, Q. F. Zhan, and R. -W. Li*. Strain induced tunable anisotropic magnetoresistance in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 /BaTiO3 heterostructures. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C716 (2013).

34. X. S. Zhang, Q. F. Zhan*, G. H. Dai, Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Zuo, H. L. Yang, B. Chen, and R.-W. Li*. Effect of mechanical strain on magnetic properties of flexible exchange biased FeGa/IrMn heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters 102, 022412 (2013).

35. X. J. Zhu, C. S. Ong, X. X. Xu, B. L. Hu, J. Shang, H. L. Yang, K. Sadhana, Yiwei Liu, X. X. Chen, L. Pan, J. Ding and R. -W. Li*. Direct observation of lithium-ion transport under an electrical field in LixCoO2 nanograins. Scientific Reports 3, 1084 (2013).

36. Z. H. Zuo, Q. F. Zhan*, G. H. Dai, B. Chen, X. S. Zhang,H. L. Yang, Yiwei Liu, and R. -W. Li*. In-plane anisotropic converse magnetoelectric coupling effect in FeGa/polyvinylidene fluoride heterostructure films.Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C705 (2013).

37. K. Sadhana, S. R. Murthy, J. Shang, X. L. Xie, Yiwei Liu, Q. F. Zhan, and R. -W. Li*. Magnetic field induced polarization and magnetoelectric effect of Ba0.8Ca0.2TiO3-Ni0.2Cu0.3Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanomultiferroic. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 17C731 (2013).

38. Yiwei Liu, Z. H. Yang, H. L. Yang, T. Zou, X. L. Xie, B. Chen, Y. Sun, Q. F. Zhan* and R. -W. Li*. Anisotropic magnetoresistance in polycrystalline La0.67(Ca1-xSrx)0.33MnO3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45, 245001 (2012).

39. X. J. Zhu , W. J. Su , Yiwei Liu , B. L. Hu , L. Pan , W. Lu , J. D. Zhang , and R.-W. Li*. Observation of Conductance Quantization in Oxide-Based Resistive Switching Memory. Advanced Materials 24, 3941 (2012).

40. Bin Chen, Zhenghu Zuo, Yiwei Liu, Qing-Feng Zhan, Yali Xie, Huali Yang, Guohong Dai, Zhixiang Li, Gaojie Xu, and Run-Wei Li*. Tunable photovoltaic effects in transparent Pb(Zr0.53,Ti0.47)O3 capacitors. Applied Physics Letters 100 193703 (2012).

41. Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen, Q. F. Zhan*, Yiwei Liu, H. L. Yang, Z. X. Li, G. J. Xu, and R. -W. Li*. Preparation and ferroelectric properties of freestanding Pb(Zr,Ti);O3 thin membranes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 185302 (2012).

42. G. H. Dai*, Q. F. Zhan*, Yiwei Liu, H. L. Yang, X. S. Zhang, B. Chen and R. -W. Li*. Mechanically tunable magnetic properties of Fe81Ga19 films grown on flexible substrates. Applied Physics Letters 100, 122407 (2012).

43. C. Zou, B. Chen*, Z. J. Zhu, Z. H. Zuo,Y. W. Liu,Y. F. Chen, Q. F. Zhan, and R. W. Li*. Local leakage current behaviours of BiFeO3 films.Chinese Physics B. 20.117701(2011)

44. Q. W. Tian, M. H. Tang, F. Jiang, Y. W. Liu, J. Wu, R. J. Zou, Y. Sun, Z. G. Chen, R. -W. Li and J. Q. Hu, Large-scaled star-shaped α-MnS nanocrystals with novel magnetic properties. Chemical Communications 47,8100.(2011).

45. X. J. Zhu, F. Zhuge, Mi Li, K. Yin, Y. W. Liu,Z. H. Zuo, B. Chen and R. -W. Li*. Microstructure dependence of leakage and resistive switching behaviours in Ce-doped BiFeO3 thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44.415104.(2011).

46. F. Zhuge, S.S. Peng, C. He, X. J. Zhu, X. X. Chen, Y. W. Liu and R. -W. Li*, Improvement of resistive switching in Cu/ZnO/Pt sandwiches by weakening the randomicity of the formation/rupture of Cu filaments, Nanotechnology.22,275204.(2011).

47. B. Chen, M. Li, Y. W. Liu, Z. H. Zuo, F. Zhuge, Q. F. Zhan and R. -W. Li*. Effect of top electrodes on photovoltaic properties of polycrystalline BiFeO3 based thin film capacitors. Nanotechology. 22,195201.(2011).

48. F. Zhuge, W. Dai, C.L. He, A.Y. Wang, Y.W. Liu, M. Li, Y.H. Wu, P. Cui, and R. -W. Li*. Nonvolatile resistive switching memory based on amorphous carbon. Applied Physics Letters, 96, 163505(2010).

49. K. Yin, M. Li, Y. W. Liu, C. He, F. Zhuge, B. Chen, W. Lu,X. Pan, and R. -W. Li*, Resistance switching in polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 97,042101(2010).

50. M. Li, F. Zhuge, X. J. Zhu, K. Yin, J. Wang, Y. W. Liu, C. He, B. Chen and R. -W. Li*, Nonvolatile resistive switching in metal/La-doped BiFeO3/Pt sandwiches. Nanotechnology, 21,425202(2010).


(1)  巫远招、周酉林、刘宜伟、李润伟,一种柔性传感器、其制备方法与使用方法 201910378441.8。 (实审中)

(2) 巫远招、刘宜伟、李晟斌、李润伟,一种磁传感器及其使用方法,201811575805.3。(实审中)

(3) 刘宜伟、周酉林、尚杰、李润伟、吴振广、巫远招,液态金属基柔性结构单元的制备方法及应力传感器,201810142371.1。(实审中)

(4) 刘宜伟、李法利、李润伟,一种柔性传感器及其制备方法201910395010.2(实审中)

(5) 尚杰、郁哲、刘宜伟、李润伟,可拉伸的复合型力敏材料、其制备方法及可拉伸的压力传感器 - 201910395545.X(实审中)

(6) 胡超、吴振广、李润伟、周酉林、刘宜伟,一种人体关节运动的测量系统及其测量方法,201810146666.6。(实审中)

(7) 尚杰、唐大秀、刘宜伟、李润伟、王玉欣,一种具有垂直导电结构的弹性电极及其制备方法,201810261265.5。(实审中)

(8) 尚杰、刘宜伟、龙婷玉、郑亚楠、陈斌、李润伟,构建三维中空结构的微加工方法以及柔性结构体的制备方法,201810146669.X。(实审中)

(9) 尚杰、、郑亚楠、李润伟、刘宜伟、郁哲、龙婷玉,一种弹性应力分布传感阵列及其制备方法,201810258097.4。(实审中)

(10) 胡超、李润伟、孙丹丹、刘宜伟,弹性导体在称重计中的应用、电子称重计称重方法,201810045341.9。(实审中)

(11) 胡超、李润伟、孙丹丹、刘宜伟,弹性导体在测量尺中的应用、电子测量尺及测量方法,201810045793.7。(实审中)

(12) 尚杰、王玉欣、郁哲、刘宜伟、李润伟,一种弹性导体的制备方法,201711479207.1。(实审中)

(13) 胡超、孙丹丹、刘宜伟、李润伟,一种多功能可拉伸的耳机及控制方法,201710021658.4。(实审中)

(14) 孙丹丹、刘宜伟、胡超、秦琴、尚杰、李润伟,一种弹性导线及其制备方法,201710021958.2。(实审中)

(15) 刘宜伟、张配同、李润伟、刘钢,一种弹性电路或电极的制备方法以及制备装置,201610987778.5。(实审中)

(16) 刘宜伟、李润伟、胡超、尚杰,一种柔性多参量人体体征探测器及其使用方法,201610826312.7。(实审中)

(17) 尚杰、牛旭红、刘宜伟、刘钢、郁哲、李润伟,一种柔性电极的制备装置以及利用该装置制备柔性电极的方法,201610824305.3。已授权

(18) 尚杰、牛旭红、刘宜伟、刘钢、郁哲、李润伟,一种可裁剪柔性导线、其制备装置以及制备方法,201610824339.2。(实审中)

(19) 李润伟、郑春蕾、刘宜伟,一种使用液态金属制备柔性电子线路的方法与装置,201611141411.8。已授权

(20) 巫远招、刘宜伟、胡超、李润伟,一种电子仿生皮肤系统,201610970007.5。(实审中)

(21) 刘宜伟,李辉辉,李润伟,巫远招,孙丹丹,一种压磁式应力传感器,申请号:201510102039.9。已授权

(22) 刘宜伟,李润伟,王保敏,詹清峰, 一种具有正磁各向异性温度系数的磁性薄膜的制备方法,申请号:201410301158.2。已授权

(23) 刘宜伟李润伟,陈斌,王保敏,一种纳米磁-电-热多参量耦合原位探测系统及其探测方法,申请号:201410494759.X。已授权

(24) 刘宜伟,李润伟,詹清峰,代国红,一种温度控制的磁电子器件、其制备方法及应用,申请号:201210346506.9。已授权

(25) 刘宜伟李润伟,詹清峰,邵聪磊,巫远招,一种磁标记生物传感器、其制备方法以及检测方法,申请号:201110241688.9。(已授权)

(26) 刘宜伟,李润伟,陈斌;一种抗原检测方法;ZL201010176884.8。(已授权)

(27) 巫远招,刘宜伟李润伟,李辉辉,尚杰,孙丹丹,一种用于探测微弱应力的传感器及其制备方法,申请号:201510102333.X。(实质审查中)

(28) 李辉辉,刘宜伟李润伟,巫远招,孙丹丹,一种电感式应力传感器,申请号:201510103094.X。已授权

(29) 李润伟,陈欣欣,刘宜伟,陈斌,王保敏,基于扫描探针显微镜的纳米磁热原位探测装置及探测方法,申请号:201410494331.5。已授权

(30) 李润伟,朱小健,刘宜伟,陈斌,王保敏,基于扫描探针显微镜的微/纳米热电原位探测装置及探测方法,申请号:201410495722.9。已授权

(31) 陈斌,李润伟,刘宜伟,王保敏,一种扫描探针显微镜中的探针、其制备方法及探测方法,申请号:201410494757.0。已授权

(32) 李润伟,陈斌,刘宜伟,王保敏,一种扫描探针显微镜中的探针、其制备方法及探测方法,申请号:201410493965.9。已授权

(33) 谢亚丽,刘宜伟,李润伟,詹清峰,一种柔性多铁性器件,申请号:201310182434.3(实质审查中)

(34) 巫远招,刘宜伟,李润伟,吉红伟,邵聪磊,詹清峰,一种磁标记生物检测系统及其检测方法,申请号:201310173172.4。(已授权)

(35) 李润伟,杨智唤,詹清峰,朱小健,刘宜伟, 一种磁性隧道结的制备方法,申请号:201310148652.5。(已授权)

(36) 李润伟,左正笏,詹清峰,陈斌,杨华礼,刘宜伟,一种反铁电薄膜的制备方法,申请号:201210332301.5。(已授权)

(37) 李润伟,左正笏,陈斌,刘宜伟,朱小健,杨华礼, 一种自支撑多铁性复合薄膜的制备方法,申请号:201110086403.9。(已授权)

(38) 李润伟,尹奎波,刘宜伟,李蜜,陈斌, 基于铁酸铋薄膜体系的电阻式随机存储器及其制备方法,申请号:200910099716.0。(已授权)