日期:2024-01-01, 查看:7459







       2021.10-至今,    研究员,BOB彩票 ,宁波







  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,金属玻璃剪切带形核动力学与微观不均匀结构的关联性研究,2023-2025,主持;
  2. 浙江省基础公益联合基金项目,非晶态高熵合金的高通量制备及其在复杂工况下的力学行为研究,2023-2025,主持;
  3. 宁波市甬江引才工程青年创新人才项目,高性能软磁非晶合金材料与应用,2022-2026,主持;
  4. 中国科学院宁波材料所“团队人才”项目,非晶软磁合金结构不均匀性及其对宏观物理特性的影响机制研究,2021-2025,主持。

      在Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters、NPJ Asia Materials、Acta Materialia、Corrosion Science等国际知名材料学期刊发表论文58篇,申请中国发明专利18项,授权4项。担任Acta Metallurgica Sinica、稀有金属、National Science Open青年编委,以及Nano Letters、Acta Materialia等国际学术期刊的审稿人。在美国材料学年会、国际非晶纳米晶年会、中国材料大会等国内外学术会议上做邀请和口头报告18次。

  1. Lijian Song, Yurong Gao, Peng Zou, Wei Xu, Meng Gao, Yan Zhang, Juntao Huo*, Fushan Li, Jichao Qiao, Li-Min Wang, and Jun-Qiang Wang*. Detecting the exponential relaxation spectrum in glasses by high-precision nanocalorimetry [J]. PNAS, 2023, 120(20).
  2. Yunshuang Ma, Hangboce Yin, Fan Chen, Meng Gao, Lijian Song, Yan Zhang, Wei Xu, Li-Min Wang, Juntao Huo*, Shuzhi Zhang*, Jun-Qiang Wang*. Magnetocaloric effect in (Tm67Cu33)80Al20 amorphous alloy [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 604 (2023) 122151. 
  3. Bowen Zang, Lijian Song*, Richard Parsons, Jie Shen, Meng Gao, Yan Zhang, Juntao Huo, Yonghao Sun, Fushan Li, Kiyonori Suzuki*, Jun-Qiang Wang*, and Weihua Wang. Influence of thermal history on the crystallization behavior of high-Bs Fe-based amorphous alloys [J]. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2023, 66, 5,256111. 
  4. Yurong Gao, Yu Tong, Lijian Song,*, Jiacheng Liu, Bowen Zang, Mingliang Xiang, Meng Gao,Yan Zhang, Juntao Huo, and Jun-Qiang Wang. Effect of stress relaxation on soft magnetic properties of Fe76Si9B10P5 metallic glass [J]. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS, 98, 20 (2023). 
  5. Zuwei Fan, Peng Zou, Kemin Jiang, Wei Xu, Meng Gao, Vladislav Zadorozhnyy,Guowei Li**, Juntao Huo*, Jun-Qiang Wang***.Critical influence of phase transition on the hydrogen evolution reaction activity of Heusler alloys [J]. Intermetallics, 160 (2023) 107946. 
  6. Jianing Wang, Lijian Song*, Yurong Gao, Bowen Zang, Meng Gao, Juntao Huo, Lina Hu and Jun-Qiang Wang*. Achieving identical glassy state through different thermal paths[J]. SCIENCE CHINA Materials(2023).
  7. Xiaodong Yang, Meng Gao, Yanhui Liu, Jinlong Li, Yan Huang, Gang Wang*, Jun-Qiang Wang*, Juntao Huo*. Superior corrosion resistance of high-temperature Ir–Ni–Ta–(B) amorphous alloy in sulfuric acid solution[J]. Corrosion Science, 200 (2022) 110227.
  8. Juntao Huo, Kangyuan Li, Bowen Zang, Meng Gao, Li-Min Wang, Baoan Sun, Maozhi Li, Lijian Song*, Jun-Qiang Wang*, and Wei-Hua Wang. High Mixing Entropy Enhanced Energy States in Metallic Glasses[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 39, 046401 (2022).
  9. Liang Cai, Juntao Huo,* Peng Zou, Guowei Li, Jian Liu, Wei Xu, Meng Gao, Shuzhi Zhang, and Jun-Qiang Wang*. Key Role of Lorentz Excitation in the Electromagnetic Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2022.
  10. Kun Han, Ming Li, Meng Gao, Xinming Wang, Juntao Huo*, Jun-Qiang Wang. Improved magnetocaloric effects in AlFe2B2 intermetallics through the enhancement of magnetoelastic coupling[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 908 (2022) 164663.
  11. Fei Han, Yanan Chen, YanHui Liu, Xiaodong Yang, Shenglei Che, Yan Zhang, Juntao Huo*, Meng Gao*, Jun-Qiang Wang*.High temperature oxidation behaviors of Ir-Ni-Ta-(B) metallic glass[J]. Corrosion Science, 205 (2022) 110420.
  12. Ao Li#, Xiao Chen#, Lijian Song#, Guoxin Chen#, Wei Xu*, Juntao Huo*, Meng Gao, Ming Li, Lei Zhang, Bingnan Yao, Min Ji, Y an Zhang, Shaofan Zhao, Wei Yao, Yanhui Liu, Junqiang Wang,*, Haiyang Bai*, Zhigang Zou, Mengfei Yang, W eihua Wang. Taking advantage of glass: Capturing and retaining of the helium gas on the moon [J]. Materials Futures, 1 (2022) 035601.
  13. Yuan Zhang, Kun Han, Ming Li, Meng Gao, Xinming Wang, Gang Wang*, Jun-Qiang Wang*, Juntao Huo*.Design of Co-based amorphous alloys with magnetocaloric effect near room temperature[J].  Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 592 (2022) 121763.
  14. Yan Huang, Bowen Zang, Chang Zhang, Mingliang Xiang, Peng Xiao, Juntao Huo,  Meng Gao, Rie Umetsud, Min Ji, Bingnan Yao, Yan Zhang⁎, Yaocen Wang⁎, Junqiang Wang*. Polydopamine/polyethyleneimine enhanced Fe-based amorphous powder cores with improved magnetic properties[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 920 (2022) 165889.
  15. Junhua Cao, Meng Gao*, Yuanfei Cai, Jinlong Li, Ye Wang*, Jun-Qiang Wang*, Juntao Huo*. Rapid screening the mechanical properties of ZrNi-based metallic glasses by high-throughput combinatorial approach[J]. Intermetallics, 148 (2022) 107640.
  16. Fan Chen, Kun Han, Meng Gao, Yan Zhang, Wei Xu, Juntao Huo* , Changjiang Zhang* ,Lijian Song,* and Jun-Qiang Wang*. Magnetocaloric Properties of Melt-Extracted Gd-Co-Al Amorphous/Crystalline Composite Fiber[J]. Metals, 2022, 12, 1367.
  17. Y.R. Gao,#, Y. Tong#, L.J. Song*, X.X. Shui, M. Gao, J.T. Huo, J.-Q. Wang*. Continuous transition from gamma to beta dynamics during stress relaxation[J]. Scripta Materialia, 224 (2023) 115114.
  18. F. Xu*, Y.Z. Liu, X. Sun, J.F. Peng, Y.H. Ding, J.T. Huo*, J.Q.Wang*, M. Gao*. Percolation-like transition from nanoscale structural heterogeneities to shear bands in metallic glass detected by static force microscopy[J]. Applied Surface Science, 611 (2023) 155730.
  19. Meng Gao* ,and John H. Perepezko. Merging of relaxations and step-like increase of accompanying supercooled liquid region in metallic glasses via ultrafast nanocalorimetry[J]. NPG Asia Materials, (2022) 14:60.
  20. M. Gao, J. H. Perepezko, Mapping the viscoelastic heterogeneity at the nanoscale in metallic glasses by static force spectroscopy. Nano Letters 20: 7558 (2020) .
  21. M. Gao, B. A. Sun, C. C. Yuan, J. Ma, W. H. Wang, Hidden order in the fracture surface morphology of metallic glasses. Acta Materialia 60: 6952 (2012) .
  22. M. Gao, D. W. Ding, D. Q. Zhao, H. Y. Bai, W. H. Wang, Fracture morphology pattern transition dominated by the crack tip curvature radius in brittle metallic glasses. Materials Science & Engineering A 617: 89 (2014) .
  23. M. Gao, D. P. Wang, Y. F. Huang, S. Meng, H. Y. Bai, W. H. Wang, Fractal and micro-nano scale hierarchical fracture surface with a wide range of tunable hydrophobicity in metallic glasses. Materials & Design 95: 612 (2016) .
  24. M. Gao, C. Wang, J. Dong, Y. Huan, H. Y. Bai, W. H. Wang, Macroscopic tensile plasticity of Zr-based bulk metallic glass with screw thread shaped structure. Materials Science & Engineering A 673: 417 (2016) .
  25. M. Gao, J. Dong, Y. Huan, Y. T. Wang, W. H. Wang, Obtaining macroscopic tensile plasticity by scalarizing stress distribution in bulk metallic glasses. Scientific Reports 6: 21929 (2016) .
  26. M. Gao, X. F. Cao, D. W. Ding, B. B. Wang, W. H. Wang, Decoding flow unit evolution upon annealing from fracture morphology in metallic glasses. Materials Science and Engineering: A 686: 65 (2017) .
  27. M. Gao, J. H. Perepezko, Al-based amorphous metallic plastics. Advanced Engineering Materials 1800930: 1-8 (2019) .
  28. M. Gao, J. H. Perepezko, Flash DSC determination of the delay time for primary crystallization and minor alloying effect in marginal Al-based metallic glasses. Thermochimica Acta 677: 91-98 (2019) .
  29. M. Gao, J. H. Perepezko, Separating β relaxation from α relaxation in fragile metallic glasses via ultrafast calorimetry. Physical Review Materials 4: 025602 (2020) (二区). 
  30. X. F. Cao, M. Gao, L. Z. Zhao, W. H. Wang, H. Y. Bai, Correlation between yield strength and structure heterogeneity in metallic glasses. Journal of Applied Physics 119: 084906 (2016).
  31. C. Chen, M. Gao, C. Wang, W. H. Wang, Tzu-Chiang Wang, Fracture behaviors under pure shear loading in bulk metallic glass. Scientific Reports 6: 39522 (2016).
  32. J. Dong, M. Gao, Y. Huan, Y. H. Feng, W. Liu, W. H. Wang, Enhanced tensile plasticity of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses by a stress induced large scale flow. Journal of Alloys and Compound 727: 297 (2017).
  33. J. Zhao, M. Gao, M. X. Ma, X. F. Cao, Y. Y. He, W. H. Wang, J. B. Luo, Influence of annealing on the tribological properties of Zr-based bulk metallic glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 481: 94 (2018). 
  34. L. J. Song, M. Gao, W. Xu, J. T. Huo, J. Q. Wang, R. W. Li, W. H. Wang, J. H. Perepezko, Acta Materialia 185: 38-44 (2020).
  35. Y. J. Dai, Y. Huan, M. Gao, J. Dong, W. Liu, M. X. Pan, W. H. Wang, Z. L. Bi, Development of a high-resolution micro-torsion tester for measuring the shear modulus of metallic glass fibers, Measurement Science and Technology 26: 025902 (2015).
  36. D. P. Wang, B. A. Sun, M. Gao, Y. Yang, C. T. Liu, The mechanism of shear-band blocking in monolithic metallic glasses, Materials Science and Engineering: A 703: 162 (2017).
  37. H. J. Lin, C. Xu, M. Gao, Z. L. Ma, Y. Y. Meng, L. Q. Li, X. H. Hu, Y. F. Zhu, S. P. Pan, W. Li, Intermetallics 108: 94-99 (2019).
  38. R. J. Xue, L. Z. Zhao, C. L. Shi, T. Ma, X. K. Xi, M. Gao, P. W. Zhu, P. Wen, X. H. Yu, C. Q. Jin, M. X. Pan, W. H. Wang, H. Y. Bai, Applied Physics Letters 109: 221904 (2016).
  1. 高萌;霍军涛;王军强. 一种高热稳定铝基金属玻璃及其制备方法:中国发明专利, 202210203584.7 [P]. 2022-03-03.(已授权)
  2. 高萌; 董杰; 赵德乾; 汪卫华; 郇勇. 一种使韧性金属玻璃产生宏观拉伸塑性的方法: 中国发明专利, 201610154620.X [P]. 2016-03-18. (已授权)
  3. 高萌; 赵德乾; 潘明祥; 汪卫华. 一种制备三维介观器件的方法: 中国发明专利, 201511020477.7 [P]. 2015-12-29. (已授权)
  4. 董杰; 郇勇; 高萌; 刘薇; 加海友; 汪卫华. 一种使金属玻璃产生拉伸塑性的加工处理方法: 中国发明专利, 201510781725.3 [P]. 2015-11-13. (已授权)