



这一天的旅行Ex-Wewak让游客享受Sepik河的味道,而无需在乡村宾馆(Sepik River河上没有酒店)。早上起床,傍晚抵达渭水两小时的公路旅行,各种各样的路上巡回赛,在中间的Sepik上巡回巡回演出,停在两个鲜明的村庄,为行走的村庄旅游和购买真正的Sepik神器和手工艺品的机会村价。包括瓶装水和午餐的当地风格食物的味道。

07:00在酒店大堂在沃克河畔酒店的指南上面见面,让我们的私人车辆入住,前往南方的康闽路头的两小时车程。09:00在Kanduanam,董事会我们的等候电机独木舟和向下河流到Sepik和Yuat Rivers的汇合。大多数游客不要像yuat河一样冒险较小的支流,但在这里,您可以看到Sepik盆地的更安静的一面,关闭“主要拖动”。美丽的Yuat河流半小时 - 现在在河上游的速度飙升的速度速度较慢,让您带到美丽的Kundima Village,在河里的弯道上,有一个大型沙吧,当地人在低潮中聚集在那里社交,玩沙场和足球和排球的划痕游戏。穿过村庄的徒步旅行,看看每个家庭都取决于什么,他们在午餐时烹饪是什么。这将是一个完全坦诚的文化体验 - 这里没有手机覆盖,没有人知道你即将到来,什么都没有准备或上演。12:00您的指南将为午餐安排当地风格的食物,这可能是从烟熏鱼到Sago Grub炖椰子和香蕉佐贺布丁,西莫煎饼,热带水果拼盘或普通的老村“订书普通”:罐装鱼椰子饭。欢迎您从酒店带来享用午餐。 13:00 Depart Kundima 1 hour up the main Sepik to Tambanum, one of the largest villages on the Sepik River which has several clan spirit houses and many homes displaying carvings and woven goods available for sale. Spend two hours here wandering through the village (local people will come out of their houses and greet you), inspecting the handicrafts for sale and the clan spirit houses. Some of the spirit houses feature a carved “orator’s stool” where the clan leader may sit when addressing the men. Much of the village is built on a riverside sandbank so the walking is mainly on firm sandy ground with no mud. 16:00 Motor back downstream to Kanduanam road-head 17:00 Board our car or bus which has waited all day for you (in case of emergency) and commence the two hour drive back to Wewak. 19:00 Arrive back at your hotel in time for dinner. (If you’re going to be late we’ll call ahead and ask them to keep some dinner for you).Life jackets and umbrellas are provided but wear long sleeves and a brimmed hat to protect your arms, face and ears from sun-burn while riding in the open canoe, and bring sun screen to cover any exposed skin. Tropical-strength mosquito repellent is also recommended although you won't encounter many mosquitoes in the day time.Unfortunately western-style toilets are not available during this day trip but a clean village-style outhouse (sit-down long drop) is available for visitors at Kundima and Tambanum (your guide carries a toilet roll) and it is acceptable to "go behind a bush" in designated areas - your guide will advise.


  • 所有税金,费用和手续费
  • 瓶装水
  • 当地风格的午餐
  • 司机/指南
  • 酒店拾取和下车
  • 遮阳伞
  • 午餐


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