Rabaul Shore Macrose




从太空时间到石岁的时候回到过去。一百万个不同的旅程只是一个旅程。往巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)。We are located in the Pacific.Our folks travelled from stone-age to space-age in the space of a lifetime, and these two worlds co-exist even today.We have many tags including ‘The Last Frontier’, ‘The Land of the Unexpected’, ‘The Pearl of the Pacific’, The Bird-watchers’ Paradise, Divers’ Paradise, and many others. Plants and animals species on our vast rugged lands are still waiting to be discovered, including places and even people. We offer A MILLION DIFFERENT JOURNEYS IN JUST ONE JOURNEY. Our natural beauty and cultural diversity are second to none.Come & see for yourself.Make it your family trip to your family in Papua New Guinea

Itinerarythis是这个产品的典型行程:Rabaul(Bita Paka)War Cemetery,Kokopo,East NewRientain,Islands Regionshowshowshowshowshows&toursduration:1小时


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