私人旅游:Sogeri Jungle Village徒步3-6天





第1天:在莫塞尔比港的酒店接受,并在酷,青翠和肥沃的Sogeri高原上推出了Rouna Gorge到微小的Sogeri乡,被称为莫里斯港的食物碗,因为所有新鲜农产品在这里种植。在Sogeri与您当地的指南见面,然后步行5-6个小时到Sirinumu湖另一边的第一个丛林村。过夜Boredabu Village.Day 2:爬上陡峭的Unoa Creek Gully,通过厚厚的雨林4-5个小时到第二个丛林村。WW2飞机残骸的可选侧面之旅。一夜之间Anadabu村。第3天:左转为EM20D 4天Trek在Iawarere Village右转过夜,为em20e右转,5天Trek在Avitana Village一站式一站式岩石艺术避难所,或者在6天内继续前进跋涉有更多严肃的丛林散步,在Iove村,过夜4:Em20d在摩洛哥种植园​​完成了摩尔科,乘坐汽车返回Sogeri和Moresby初午凌晨抵达。Em20e继续向武汉溪河谷沿着Lonidairi Village延续过夜。EM20F在Medeme Village.Day.Day 5岁的Aieme River沿着Aieme河沿着Aieme River的丛林进行了另一天:Em20e以越野越来越多的乌鸦平原的乌鸦平原的最后一天,在Magi上的Gomore在Gomore上乘坐澳大利亚风格的灌木丛高速公路和一个驱动器回到莫斯比港傍晚。EM20F今天提供了一个竹子漂流的竹子,朝向强大的Kemp Welch河或以其他方式越野徒步旅行。 Overnight Kwale village.DAY 6: EM20F ends with a boat ride down the Kemp Welch River to Kwikila township and car transfer back to Port Moresby arriving in time for lunch.For most of the trekking you’ll eat whatever the villagers have on hand which will be lots of fresh vegetables, tropical fruit and the occasional bit of game meat. To avoid carrying and discarding dozens of empty drink bottles, you will refill your water bottle from village water supplies which are piped from pristine mountain springs, sterilised if you wish by boiling, chemical tablets or U/V steriliser. Bathing is in the creeks and toilets are basic pit latrines at the villages or poop-and-bury stops along the walking routes. Don’t worry you’ll cope :) We will supply a packing list of things you need to bring.How does this trekking differ from the Kokoda Track? • Shorter trekking and not so many steep climbs and descents • Female guide available. • Affordable private trekking for couples and small groups of walkers • No personal porters. Carry your own lightweight pack with your clothes and essentials. • Fresh food supplied by the village people en route, no ration packs • Undeveloped non-tourist area, unlike the Kokoda Track with its footbridges, public toilets, guest houses, cleared camping grounds and airfields


  • 早餐
  • 午餐
  • 晚餐
  • 咖啡和/或茶


  • 除了个人服装,洗漱用品和药物之外,这次旅行是全包的所有内容