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Annual Research and Networking Plan Grants related to the Project: (include ongoing grants and new grant applications) Japan: (Name, Period, Amount) China: (Name, Period, Amount) Korea: (Name, Period, Amount) Annual Budget for Networking Item2014-2015 (2014/8-2015/7)2015-2016 (2015/8-2016/7)2016-2017 (2016/8-2017/7)(1) International Travel (No. of people) For Japanese For Chinese: For Koreans:(2) Domestic Travel (Name of cities) In Japan: In China: In Korea: (3) Local Expenses (No. of people x days) In Japan: In China: In Korea:(4) Seminars and Meetings (ex. conference room, printing, etc.) In Japan: In China: In Korea:(5) Equipment Japan: China: Korea:(6) Material & Supplies Japan: China: Korea:Others Japan: China: Korea: (8)Total Yen Yuan Won Item2017-2018 (2017/8-2018/7)2018-2019 (2018/8-2019/7)(1) International Travel (No. of people) For Japanese For Chinese: For Koreans:(2) Domestic Travel (Name of cities) In Japan: In China: In Korea: (3) Local Expenses (No. of people x days) In Japan: In China: In Korea:(4) Seminars and Meetings (ex. conference room, printing, etc.) In Japan: In China: In Korea:(5) Equipment Japan: China: Korea:(6) Material & Supplies Japan: China: Korea:Others Japan: China: Korea: (8)Total Yen Yuan Won     (Form A) 9GH^_fghwx   ) *    ; 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