Amundsen-Scott South Pole车站





一个模块设有居住区,一个饭厅,酒吧,医院,洗衣房,商店,邮局和温室(增加了新设施的未来派,空间的感觉,温室被正式称为‘food-growth chamber’). In the other module are offices, labs, computers, telecommunications, an emergency-power plant, conference rooms, music practice rooms and a gym. Cozy reading rooms and libraries are scattered throughout both units.


Before this station existed, from 1975 to 2008, home at the Pole was known familiarly as ‘the Dome,’ or, affectionately, ‘Dome, Sweet Dome.’ Built from 1971 to 1975, the former base was a silver-gray aluminum geodesic dome, 50m in diameter at its base and 15m high. It covered three structures, each two stories high, which provided accommodations, dining, laboratory and recreational facilities. Although the Dome protected these buildings and their occupants from the wind, it did nothing about the cold – it was unheated. It had a packed-snow floor and an opening at the top to let out water vapor. Over time, as the base became submerged in snow and ice, parts of the complex became unsafe. Occasional power brownouts and fuel leaks threatened station security, and the drifting snow began to crush the Dome. Because of all these problems, the US government built the current above-snow facility.


1997年,该杆上目前的1.74亿美元车站工作,需要80名建筑工人(其中25%的女性)每周工作九小时。在24小时的夏日灯中,三名工作人员全天候工作。工人描述了 - 在这里的异常建筑危险中,金属像热炉一样裸露的手。与此同时,该电台的正常冬季人口几乎翻了一番,额外的工作人员致力于建设。麦克默多(McMurdo)的数百架航班带来了必要的建筑材料,这反过来又计划,采购和运送了多年的麦克穆尔多(McMurdo)。