


1886年的大泥炭滑道,这是一条山体滑坡,杀死了两人并损坏了许多建筑物,摧毁了斯坦利的圣三一教堂。这foundation stone for its replacement was laid in 1890 and the new, massive brick-and-stone Christ Church Cathedral opened in 1892. With its brightly painted, corrugated-metal roof and attractive stained-glass windows, the cathedral is the town’s most distinguished landmark.


彩色玻璃窗是教会最生动的特征。As you enter from the main door you face the Post Liberation Memorial Window, with the Falklands crest and the islands’ motto, ‘Desire the Right.’ Below are the crests of the various British forces involved in the 1982 conflict and, below that, illustrations of three features of the Falklands and South Georgia: the Cathedral and Whalebone Arch represent Stanley; a typical farm settlement represents Camp; and Grytviken’s church and surrounding mountains represent South Georgia. At the other end of the same wall is the charming Mary Watson window, dedicated to a much-loved district nurse standing with her bicycle at the ready.
