



这是本产品的典型旅行路线路过:Bath Abbey, Bath BA1 1LT EnglandStop By Bath Abbey, a place of worship at this site has over 1,200 years By: Pulteney Bridge, Bridge St, Bath BA1 1EE EnglandDrive past, shop-lined Bridge over the River Avon.路过:Pulteney Bridge, Bridge St, Bath BA1 1EE EnglandDrive经过历史悠久的横跨埃文河的商店桥。停留地点:罗马浴场,Abbey Church Yard, Bath BA1 1LZ england游览罗马浴场博物馆(自费)罗马浴场建于大约两千年前。宏伟的罗马公共浴场和罗马神庙就建在英国唯一的天然温泉上。持续时间:1 hourPass By: Royal Crescent, Royal Cresent, Bath BA1 1EE EnglandDrive through The Royal Crescent, a row of 30 terraced houses laid out in a sweeping crescent in Bath. This is among the greatest examples of Georgian architecture in UK.Stop At: Stonehenge, Amesbury SP4 7DE EnglandEnjoy the most famous prehistoric monument in the world, and now a world heritage site.Duration: 1 hour 30 minutesStop At: Windsor Castle, Castle Hill, Windsor SL4 1PD EnglandOver 900 years of royal history are waiting for you in Windsor Castle, which is perched high above the River Thames just outside of London. From William the Conqueror all the way through to our current Queen, successive monarchs have lived here and left their mark on what is now the largest continuously occupied castle in the world. The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was held in May 2018 in St. George's Chapel here. Your ticket includes entry to Windsor Castle and St. George's Chapel (if entry option selected).Duration: 1 hour 30 minutesStop At: St. George's Chapel, Castle Hill, Windsor EnglandThe Beautiful church which in May 2018 saw the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Your ticket includes entry to Windsor Castle and St. George's Chapel (if entry option selected).Duration: 30 minutesStop At: Premium Tours - London Tours, 2A Brackley Road, London W4 2HN EnglandTour operated by Premium Tours Duration: 15 minutesStop At: The George Inn, 4 West St, Lacock, Chippenham SN15 2LH, UKEnjoy a traditional pub meal at this 14th century pubDuration: 45 minutes


  • 参观巨石阵,联合国教科文组织世界遗产
  • 进入温莎城堡(如果选择了温莎选项)
  • 格鲁吉亚巴斯市全景之旅
  • 14世纪经典乡村酒吧的一道菜酒吧午餐
  • 专业导游及空调巴士服务,包括Wi-Fi无线上网
  • 条目/承认-巨石阵
  • 进入/入场-温莎城堡
  • 进入/入场-圣乔治教堂
  • 入口/入场-高级旅行团-伦敦旅行团
  • 进入/入场-乔治客栈


  • 酒店接送
  • 小费
  • 罗马浴场入口
  • 进入/入场-罗马浴场