
蒙得维的亚(Montevideo)是该国的首都和乌拉圭近一半人口的故乡,是一个充满活力的折衷的地方,具有丰富的文化生活。bob娱乐官网从东到西12.5英里(20公里),该市戴着许多面孔,从其工业港口到机场附近的海滨郊区卡拉斯科的独家郊区。In the historic downtown business district, art deco and neoclassical buildings jostle for space alongside skyscrapers that appear airlifted from Havana or Ceauşescu’s Romania, while to the southeast the shopping malls and modern high-rises of beach communities such as Punta Carretas and Pocitos bear more resemblance to those of Miami or Copacabana. Music, theater and the arts are alive and well here – from elegant older theaters and cozy little tango bars to modern beachfront discos – and there’s a strong international flavor, thanks to the many foreign cultural centers and Montevideo’s status as administrative headquarters for Mercosur, South America’s leading trading bloc.

