



这款3小时的下纪念碑谷日出或日落旅游是您的指南创建的自定义旅游。他们是一个机会创建自己的行程,为客人提供纪念碑谷的最佳体验。我们的指南在大型风景俯瞰和纪念碑,如John Ford的观点,大霍根,图腾柱,太阳的眼睛等。

这次旅行是一个定制的巡演,不一定是下面的订单。每个指南都有自己的行程,并在整个旅游中有一个特定的地方和时间。3小时的旅游在着名的John Ford的观点中停止,其中许多John Wayne的西部电影电影是电影,而且变形金刚:灭绝的年龄,标志Wahlberg。接下来,您的指南将开车到公园的后舍并护送您到拱门。在“太阳的眼拱”,你将站在一个具体程度上仰望岩石曲目,看看为什么它被命名为阳光的眼睛。在同一位置,您还将看到传物岩字,并听到您的指南的故事。您还将前往“大霍根”。Big Hogan是一个拍摄家庭照片并抵抗岩石的好地方,感受其温暖。您的指南将提供故事并建议很棒的照片镜头。在后舍中是“风的耳朵”。 This is the largest arch in the park, and your guide will escort you to a photogenic spot where you can take photographs. You will be guided to the Totem Pole and Yei Bi Cheii Monuments where you will be able to take photographs and hear the cultural stories behind each monument.Your guide will meet you in the lobby of your hotel, then get ready for a scenic drive to Monument Valley in a comfortable all-terrain vehicle— allowing for exclusive access to parts of the park that are inaccessible to smaller cars.The area, located on a Navajo Reservation and considered a sacred healing region by Native American tribes, is tough to navigate on your own. But your guide will walk you through the history of the Navajo tribal park and the background of each stunning natural formation. With your choice of a sunrise or sunset tour, you’re bound for incredible, camera-ready views during the sun-kissed time of day known by photographers as the “Golden Hour.”The itineraries are fully customizable, so you’ll have your pick of some incredible spots, including iconic rock formations like John Ford’s Point, which served as film backdrop in many John Wayne Westerns. One of the most photographed formations is the Yei Bi Chei monuments, which resemble a line of tribal dancers. You’ll also get an opportunity to take pictures of the Big Hogan, a sandstone cave chamber, and Ear of the Wind, a mesmerizing, crimson-hued arch.At the North Window where you will have a chance to take pictures of the Mittens and Butte at different angles. Your tour guide will then slowly and safely transport you back to your departure point.


  • 瓶装水
  • 本地专业指南


  • 纪念碑谷部落公园的入学费。访问www.navajonationParks.org进行费用详情。
  • gr
  • 酒店拾取和下降(如果未选择选项)


  • 家庭友善
  • 与野生动物感到紧张
  • 灵活地为自己的偏好自定义您的行程
  • 物超所值
  • 信息丰富,友好和专业的指导
  • 私人指南以获得更个性化的体验