杰克逊霍尔(Jackson Hole)




在杰克逊(Jackson)轻松的一日游中,体验大提顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)的宁静景观。A must-see Wyoming treasure, this park offers one jaw-dropping vista after another, as you’ll see on your comfortable coach tour to crystal-clear Jenny Lake, Jackson Lake and the Snake River, as well as the Chapel of the Transfiguration and Menor's Ferry, both listed on the US National Register of Historic Places. Learn about the area’s history, geology and ecology from your guide; spot wildlife such as moose, eagles and beavers; and enjoy several guided walks for a more intimate experience of this amazingly scenic area.

您将在清晨从杰克逊酒店(Jackson Hotel)捡到30分钟的车程,舒适的空调教练到达黄石公园以南10英里(16公里)的大提顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)。这个世界知名的公园包括落基山脉40英里长(64公里)的提顿山脉的主要山峰,以及山谷的大部分北部,称为杰克逊·霍尔(Jackson Hole)。进入公园后(要额外费用),停在Transfiguration的礼拜堂,这是一个建于1925年的小木屋,可为附近的家伙牧场的客人和员工提供服务。在美国国家历史悠久的地方登记榜上,教堂框架景观了Teton山脉最高的山峰,被称为大教堂。继续前往1800年代后期为杰克逊洞(Jackson Hole)地区服务的蛇河渡轮(Menor's Ferry)。在这里,您还将访问莫德·诺布尔(Maud Noble)的小屋,这是在美国国家历史名录登记册上列出的另一个网站。当您在宅基地漫步时,您将了解该地区的早期先驱者曾经是从您的向导中生活的。在有趣的历史访问之后,现在该欣赏大提顿国家公园的史诗般的美女了。冒险前往水晶清晰的珍妮湖(Jenny Lake)惊讶地凝视着tetons,并了解吉姆·布里奇(Jim Bridger),约翰·科特(John Colter)和海狸迪克(Beaver Dick)等历史悠久的山脉人。接下来,在公园的一个小屋中停下来吃午餐 - 有几种餐饮选择可供选择(自付费用)。您的下午始于参观杰克逊湖(Jackson Lake)的海岸,以吸收宁静景观的更多景色,并指出一些野生动植物,动植物。 As your guide will explain, this region is home to more than 1,000 species of plants, dozens of species of mammals, 300 species of birds and several species of fish, reptiles and amphibians. A surprising fact: The park’s pristine ecosystem is home to many species of flora and fauna that have existed since prehistoric times!Your last stop in the park is the Colter Bay Visitor Center, where you can observe a vast array of never-before-seen Indian artifacts. On the way back to Jackson, pass the Oxbow Bend of the Snake River to view moose, eagles, beaver and other wildlife. You'll arrive back at your hotel at approximately 3:30pm.


  • 专业指南
  • 水瓶作为谢谢礼物
  • 酒店取货
  • 入场/入学 - 大提顿


  • 酬金
  • 午餐


  • 完全叙述的巡回演出
  • 与野生动物的亲密接触
  • 在自然环境中查看本地野生动植物