



在这次4.5小时的游览中,您将探索乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的迷人住宅和家乡。弗吉尼亚州波托马克河对岸的弗农山是美国第一总统的生活和时代的生活博物馆。参观弗农山和游览乔治·华盛顿的豪宅,附属建筑和花园。在船上享受叙述的公交巡回演出,这是舒适的豪华气候控制的汽车教练。

在这次4.5小时的游览中,您将探索乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)的迷人住宅和家乡。弗吉尼亚州波托马克河对岸的弗农山是美国第一总统的生活和时代的生活博物馆。Tour Washington’s famed mansion, visit the plantation outbuildings where re-enactors keep colonial ways alive, stroll through Martha Washington’s beautiful gardens, and discover one of the best gift shops in the capital region, filled with unique treasures, toys, cookbooks, history books, and Virginia wines.On the way to Mount Vernon the coach will wind its way through the narrow streets of Old Town Alexandria, past Robert E. Lee’s boyhood home, the historic Torpedo Factory, and General Washington’s own church and his favorite tavern. You will also have an oportunity to step off and visit the historic Christ Church ( Monday - Saturday's only) were George Washington and Robert E. Lee worshipped.The Mount Vernon Visit Includes• Ford Orientation Center• Mansion Tour• Outbuildings• Washington Tombs• Slave Memorial and Burial Grounds• Gardens• Forest Trail• Pioneer Farmer Site• Potomac Waterfront & Wharf• Mt. Vernon Gift ShopAll activities are self-guided and at your own pace once arriving at Mount Vernon.Views from the Coach:• Old Town Alexandria• General Robert E. Lee’s Boyhood Home• The Spite House (the smallest house in Old Town)• Torpedo Factory at the Waterfront• Old Presbyterian Meeting House• Gadsby’s Tavern• Historic Carlye House


  • 驾驶员/指南
  • 空调车辆
  • 船上的现场评论
  • 入场/入学 - 乔治·华盛顿的弗农山


  • 食品和饮料
  • 酬金


  • 家庭友善
  • 公共汽车/教练的综合旅行
  • 信息丰富,友好和专业指南
  • 所有入场费包括