




Itinerarythis是这个产品的典型行程:Borobudur Temple,Borobudur,Magelang,Magelang,中爪哇省,Javaborobudur寺是世界上最大的佛教寺庙。在这座大庙,您可以在面板上看到美丽的面板,在面板上具有非常详细的浮雕雕塑。有2672个面板,你可以在寺庙的墙壁上看到。在寺庙的顶部,您可以看到巨大的佛塔作为寺庙化合物的中心。美丽的全景,也可以从寺庙的顶部享受,您可以在那里看到山脉,丘陵和绿色稻田。享受Borobudur的大遗产,您可以参观一些有趣的地方,如博物馆,大象庇护所。您还可以看到在这个地方享受Andong(马车)体验。你可以使用马车来围绕婆罗浮屠寺庙化合物。此外,您还可以与博罗巴尔周围的当地人互动,并尝试一些经验,例如制作蜡染衣服和制作。持续时间:4小时阁楼:Ratu Boko Temple,日惹地区,第二天Javain,您将访问Ratu Boko Temple Comple。这是一座历史建筑,位于日惹附近。 People around this place connected this building with the legendary King Boko, the father of Rara Jongrang, the main character behind in the legend of Prambanan Temple. Many archaeologists said that this place was a temple compound, but others do not agree and said that this place was a palace. However, you still can enjoy the beautiful ruins with the great gate and stunning panorama around the temple. Duration: 1 hourStop At: Ijo Temple, Yogyakarta Region, JavaCandi Ijo or Ijo temple located not far away from the Ratu Boko compound. Being in the top of Baturagung hill, this beautiful place offers you not only the temples that mesmerizes you, but also the beautiful view of Yogyakarta City and surrounding place. The green surrounding area of Candi Ijo will make you feel calm and relaxed Duration: 1 hourStop At: Prambanan Temples, Prambanan, Central Java, JavaPrambanan temple is the biggest Hindu Temple in Indonesia. Actually, this temple is a compound of many temples. The three main temples are Brahma, Wisnu, and Siwa, the Trinity in Hindu religion. Besides these three major temples, there are many lesser temples arranged surround the major buildings. You can visit the temples and see the statues of the gods inside the major temple.You can also visit Prambanan Museum to learn more about this ancient temple. Enjoy the beautiful Ramayana Ballet in the evening. You can see the epic of Ramayana being performed by dancers of Yogyakarta.On the third day of this trip, we will take you back to Adi Sucipto International Airport after you have finished your breakfast. We can take you to find souvenirs during our trip to the airport if the time is enough. Duration: 5 hours


  • 私人运输
  • 停车费
  • 安东之旅
  • 入场/入场 - Borobudur Temple
  • 入场/入场 - ratu boko寺
  • 入场/入场 - IJO寺
  • 入境/入场 - 普兰帕南寺庙


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  • 飞机票