
根据在Vestfold Hills

以Shackleton和Mawson领导的探险船长约翰·金·戴维斯(John King Davis)的命名,澳大利亚的戴维斯车站(Davis Station)是俯瞰大海和许多岛屿的建筑物的丰富多彩集合。戴维斯(Davis)于1957年在Vestfold Hills的边缘开业,可容纳100人,但通常在夏季有70人,冬季有20人。

在最初的几年中,戴维斯(Davis)举办了非常小的冬季聚会 - 在某些情况下,只有四到五个人在漫长的极地夜晚停留。1965年,戴维斯(Davis)暂时关闭,以允许澳大利亚将其努力集中在建筑凯西车站上。它在1969年重新开放,此后一直在不断运作。

Compared to that of its two Australian sister stations, Mawson and Casey, Davis’ climate is relatively mild, thanks to the moderating influence of the Vestfold Hills, which separate the station from the Antarctic ice sheet – thus Davis’ nickname: ‘the Riviera of the South.’

在蓝色气象大楼附近的岩石中,有一个小雕塑花园南极独有。它是由戴维斯(Davis)驻地艺术家斯蒂芬·伊斯特(Stephen Eastaugh)建造的,斯蒂芬·伊斯特(Stephen Eastaugh)于2002年受到神秘人物的启发由南极雕刻的人, carved from wood by Hans, a plumber who overwintered in 1977. Nicknamed ‘Fred the Head,’ the sculpture is a 30-year-old work-in-progress being changed by Antarctic weather, an artistic counterpoint to the industrial-scientific aesthetic prevalent at most stations. Four small wood and metal sculptures by Eastaugh join Hans’ enigmatic head in the sculpture garden.