方超 高级工程师

方超,男,硕士,BOB彩票 高级工程师。2011年在浙江工业大学获得学士学位,主修高分子材料成型技术和行政管理双专业,2014年在BOB彩票 和宁波大学联合培养获得硕士学位,师从程亚军研究员,从事生物医用高分子材料的研究与应用。2014年-2022年在敏实集团从事高分子材料改性研发工作及产业化,先后担任材料开发工程师、材料开发主管及研发部经理角色。主要研发和产业化材料有动态交联热塑性弹性体(TPV),PVC,PP,ASA和工程塑料合金等,期间为企业带来3亿新增营业额。并且先后主持了宁波市科学技术局重大专项和国家小巨人重点培育企业专项。期间申请及授权专利6篇,参与1项行业标准修订,在Journal of Materials Chemistry B等国际著名期刊上发表SCI研究论文2篇。先后获得宁波大学优秀硕士毕业生,中科院宁波材料所创旭奖学金,北仑春晓街道十大工匠,敏实集团优秀创新奖,敏实集团杰出贡献奖和宁波市高层次人才等。

办公室:C406     电话:0574-86685120    邮箱:fangchao@nimte.ac.cn

Chao Fang , male, master degree, senior engineer of Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, CAS. In 2014, he received his master's degree from CNITECH and Ningbo University, under the supervision of Professor Yajun Cheng, engaged in the research and application of biomedical polymer materials. From 2014 to 2022, he was engaged in the R&D and industrialization polymer material modification in Minth Group,including TPV, PVC, PP, ASA and engineering plastic alloy. In addition, he has presided over the major special projects of Ningbo Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the national Little Giant Key Cultivation Enterprise special projects.He applied and authorized 6 patents, participated in 1 industry standard revision, and published 2 SCI research papers. He has been awarded the Outstanding Master graduate of Ningbo University, the Top Ten Artisans of Chunxiao Street in Beilun, the Outstanding Innovation Award of Minth , the Outstanding Contribution Award of Minth and the High-level Talents of Ningbo City.

Office: C406 Tel: 0574-86685120 Email: fangchao@nimte.ac.cn

日期:2020-12-22, 查看:1448