
董亚强 高级工程师




    “关键人才” 高级工程师,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员, 宁波市“拔尖人才”,硕士生导师



    1. 非晶纳米晶软磁材料;2.微细金属粉末的制备技术;3. 软磁复合材料的制备及应用。


    2016.01~至今:BOB彩票 ,高级工程师;

    2015.08~2015.12:BOB彩票 ,助理研究员;

    2013.02~2015.07:BOB彩票 ,博士后;

    2007.09~2013.01:BOB彩票 ,博士;


         作为项目负责人,主持有国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中科院科技网络服务计划项目(STS项目)、宁波市科技创新2025重大专项和宁波市自然科学基金等纵向项目和多项企业合作项目,同时,作为项目骨干参与了科技部重点研发计划项目、中国科学院科研装备研制项目及浙江省重点研发计划项目等重要项目,在高性能非晶纳米晶软磁合金开发及应用、软磁粉末制备及软磁复合材料的性能优化方面取得了重要进展。目前在Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Materials and Design和Ceramics International等国际知名学术期刊上发表SCI论文90余篇,申报发明专利30余项。获中国电工技术学会科技进步一等奖、宁波市专利金奖、浙江省知识产权奖专利一等奖和浙江省科技进步一等奖等荣誉。


  1. 国家重点研发计划课题:铁基纳米晶球形软磁粉体批量化制备技术及应用研究,2023.11~2026.10;
  2. 宁波市科技创新2025重大专项:5G通讯用高Bs纳米晶软磁复合材料及微型功率电感研发及产业化,2021.06~2024.05;
  3. 中国科学院科技网络服务计划(STS计划)区域重点项目:5G通信用高频低损耗软磁材料和器件研发及产业化,2021.01~2022.12;
  4. 浙江省重点研发计划择优委托项目:新一代高频磁性材料及其在5G+应用技术研究,2020.11.01~2023.10.31;
  5. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题:特种软磁合金原子团簇与宏观性能关联及性能调控机理研究, 2016.07.01-2020.12.31;
  6.  中国科学院STS计划项目:高性能非晶纳米晶合金宽带产业化,2019.01~2019.12;
  7.  宁波市“科技创新2025”重大专项:细颗粒软磁粉体材料与模压电感研发及产业化,2018.06~2021.12;
  8.  国家自然科学基金青年基金:纳米铁氧体包覆对铁基非晶磁粉芯性能的影响及其机理研究,2017.01~2019.12;
  9. 宁波市自然科学基金:新型铁基纳米晶复合材料的制备及性能研究,2016.08.01~2018.07.31;
  10. 中国科学院科研装备研制项目:微细球状非晶粉末制备装置,2015.01~2016.12;
  11. 浙江省公益技术研究工业项目:新型铁基非晶复合材料的开发及应用研究,2016.01~2017.12;


1.Ling Zhang, Yue Wu, Yaqing Dong*, Xingjie Jia*, Aina He, jiawei Li, Wenjun Wang, Baogen Shen, Fabrication of FeSiBPCNbCu nanocrystalline soft magnetic powders with high saturation magnetization and low core loss, Journal of Materials Science, 59 (2024) 8784–8795.

2. Lei Xie, Qiang Li*, Chuntao Chang*, Xueru Fan, Aina He, Yuanfei Cai, Qiang Chi, Guan Zhang, Yaqiang Dong*, Effects of Si addition on crystallization process and soft magnetic properties of highFe and high-Cu-content Fe-Si-B-P-Cu nanocrystalline alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30 (2024) 5905–5915.

3. Junyao Zhang, Hao Lu, Yaqiang Dong*, Xingjie Jia, Yanqiu Li, Liping Yang, Lingwen Cai, Lidong Liu, Aina He, Jiawei Li, and Xincai Liu*, Soft magnetic properties, microstructure, and growth mechanism of FeSiAl soft magnetic powder cores fabricated via hexafuozirconic acid passivation, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater Electron, (2024) 35:747.

4. Ning Zhang, Aina He*, Gan Zhang, Peng Cai, Bojun Zhang, Yufan Ling, Yaqiang Dong*, Jiawei Li*, Qikui Man, Baogen Shen, Interpretable machine learning-assisted design of Fe-based nanocrystalline alloys with high saturation magnetic induction and low coercivity, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 188 (2024) 73-83.

5. Junyao Zhang, Yaqiang Dong*, Yanqiu Li, Liping Yang, Xingjie Jia*, Ling Zhang, Lingwen Cai, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Xincai Liu*, Baogen Shen, The effect of phosphate/TiO2 composite insulating layer on the high frequency magnetic properties of FeSiBPCNbCu nanocrystalline soft magnetic powder cores, Materials Today Communications, 38 (2024) 107809.

6. Xingjie Jia, Yaqiang Dong*, Wei Zhang*, Ling Zhang, Yanqiu Li, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Wenjun Wang, Baogen Shen, Influence rules of early transition elements on rapid solidified structure and nanocrystallization behaviors of Fe-Si-B-Cu soft magnetic alloys with high Cu content, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 184 (2024) 157–166.

7. Xingjie Jia, Yaqiang Dong*, Ling Zhang, Yanqiu Li, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Influence of static magnetic field on rapid solidified structure and nanocrystallization behavior of Fe-Si-B-Cu soft magnetic alloys with pre-existing α-Fe nanocrystals,  Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24 (2023) 9594-9600.

8. Wei Gao, Yaqiang Dong*, Yan Ma, Hang Wu, Xingjie Jia, Zhonghao Liu, Xubin Li, Ronglin Zhao,Shouding Wu, Qiang Li*, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Effects of structural transformation on magnetic properties of AlCoFeCr high-entropy soft magnetic powder cores by adjusting Co/Fe ratio, Materials & Design, 225 (2023) 111537.

9. Shouding Wu, Yaqiang Dong*, Ronglin Zhao, Xubin Li, Hang Wu, Wei Gao, Aina He, JiaweiLi, XincaiLiu*, Microstructure evolution and soft magnetic property optimization of core-shell FeSiBCCr@SiO2&ZrO2 amorphous magnetic powder cores, Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 7515-7523.

10. Xubin Li, Jianjun Huang, Yaqiang Dong*, Xincai Liu*, Ronglin Zhao, Shouding Wu, Hang Wu, Wei Gao, Aina He,Jiawei Li, Effect of Ge doping on the magnetic properties of Fe-6.5Si soft magnetic composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 22 (2023) 3050-3057.

11. Ronglin Zhao, Yaqiang Dong*, Shouding Wu, Xubin Li, Zhonghao Liu, Xingjie Jia, Xincai Liu*, Hang Wu, Wei Gao, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Enhancing soft magnetic properties of FeSiBNbCu nanocrystalline powder cores by coating ZrO2 insulation layer, Advanced Powder Technology, 34 (2023) 103952.

12. Wei Gao, Yaqiang Dong*, Xingjie Jia*, Liping Yang, Xubin Li, Shouding Wu, Ronglin Zhao, Hang wu, Qiang Li*, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Novel CoFeMnAl high-entropy alloys with excellent soft magnetic properties and high thermal stability, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 153 (2023) 22-31.

13. Xubin Li, Yaqiang Dong*, Shouding Wu, Ronglin Zhao, Qian Ding, Xingjie Jia, Aina He,Jiawei Li, Xincai Liu*, Evolution of magnetic domain structure and magnetic properties of Fe-based nanocrystalline powder cores during transverse magnetic field annealing, Advanced Powder Technology, 33 (2022) 103823.

14. Xingjie Jia, Bojun Zhang, Wei Zhang*, Yaqiang Dong*, Jiawei Li, Aina He, Runwei Li, Direct synthesis of Fe-Si-B-C-Cu nanocrystalline alloys with superior soft magnetic properties and ductile by melt-spinning, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 108 (2022) 186-195.

15. Shouding Wu, Yaqiang Dong*, Xubin Li, Mengji Gong, Ronglin Zhao, Wei Gao, Hang Wu, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Xinmin Wang, Xincai Liu*, Microstructure and magnetic properties of FeSiCr soft magnetic powder cores with a MgO insulating layer prepared by the sol-gel method, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 22278-22286.

16. Zhonghao Liu, Yaqiang Dong*, Xincai Liu*, Hao Lu, Yue Wu, Ruiheng Zhang, Yan Ma, Haijie Zhang, Xingjie Jia, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Xinmin Wang, Optimizing soft magnetic properties by reducing internal defects and residual stress of Fe85-xSi9.6Al5.4Snx soft magnetic composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 18 (2022) 3872-3883.

17. Aina He, Jiawei Li, Anding Wang, Mingkun Wang, Yao Xiao, Yaqiang Dong*, Hai Guo, Rongrong Jiang, Weixing Xia, Lihong Dong, Haidou Wang*, Jianya Ge*, Microstructure, magnetic domain and dynamic loss of surface-textured Fe-based nanocrystalline alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 120 (2022) 1-7.

18. Qiang Chi, Liang Chang, Yaqiang Dong*, Yiqun Zhang, Bang Zhou, Chengzhong Zhang, Yan Pan, Qiang Li*, Jiawei Li, Aina He, Xinmin Wang, Enhanced high frequency properties of FeSiBPC amorphous soft magnetic powder cores with novel insulating layer, Advanced powder technology, 32 (2021) 1602-1610.

19. Fushan Bai, Yaqiang Dong*, Lei Xie, Qiang Li*, Aina He, Xingjie Jia, Jiawei Li, Xinmin Wang, Effect of pre-existing nuclei on microstructure and magnetic properties of high Bs FINEMET-like nanocrystalline alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 56 (2021) 9254-9262.

20. Bang Zhou, Yaqiang Dong*, Qiang Chi, Yiqun Zhang, Liang Chang, Mengji Gong, Jianjun Huang, Yan Pan, Xinmin Wang, Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic composites with SiO2 insulation coatings: A study on coatings thickness, microstructure and magnetic properties, Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 13449-13459.

21. Yiqun Zhang, Yaqiang Dong*, Bang Zhou, Qiang Chi, Liang Chang, Mengji Gong, Jianjun Huang, Yan Pan, Aina He, Jiawei Li, Xinmin Wang, Poly-para-xylylene enhanced Fe-based amorphous powder cores with improved soft magnetic properties via chemical vapor deposition, Materials and Design, 191 (2020) 108650.

22. Huiyun Xiao, Anding Wang, Jiawei Li, Aina He*, Tao Liu, Yaqiang Dong*, Hai Guo, Xincai Liu, Structural evolutionary process and interrelation for FeSiBNbCuMo nanocrystalline alloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 821 (2020) 153487.

23. Liang Chang, Lei Xie, Min Liu, Qiang Li*,Yaqiang Dong*, Chuntao Chang*, Xin-Min Wang, Akihisa Inoue. Novel Fe-based nanocrystalline powder cores with excellent magnetic properties produced using gas-atomized powder. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 452 (2018) 442-446.

24. Xiaolong Li, Yaqiang Dong*, Min Liu, Chuntao Chang*, Junqiang Wang, Xin-Min Wang. New Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic composites with significant enhancement of magnetic properties by compositing with nano-(NiZn)Fe2O4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 696 (2017) 1323-1328.



  1. 董亚强,吴航,满其奎,贺爱娜,黎嘉威,沈保根,一种片状非晶复合吸波材料及其制备方法,申请号:CN202310378851.9.
  2. 董亚强,高威,贾行杰,贺爱娜,黎嘉威,满其奎,沈保根,一种新型软磁高熵合金及其磁粉芯制备方法,申请号:CN202310273813.7.
  3. 董亚强,白福善,贺爱娜,黎嘉威,一种类Finemet型铁基纳米晶软磁合金及其制备方法,申请号:202110127894.0(已授权).
  4. 贾行杰,董亚强,贺爱娜,黎嘉威,一种梯度结构非晶纳米晶软磁合金及其制备方法,申请号:202011624434.0(已授权).
  5. 贺爱娜,董亚强,黎嘉威,肖恢芸,李润伟,一种低损耗纳米晶软磁合金的制备方法,申请号:201811235042.8(已授权).
  6. 董亚强,刘珉,黄柯瑜,刘磊,李童,王新敏,一种低损耗非晶磁粉芯的制备方法,申请号:201810117282.1(已授权).
  7. 董亚强,李童,刘磊,周帮,贺爱娜,黎嘉威,王新敏,一种用铁基纳米晶粉末制备磁粉芯的方法,申请号:201811034588.7(已授权).
  8. 董亚强,常春涛,李小龙,刘珉,王新敏,非晶磁粉芯前驱体颗粒、非晶磁粉芯及其制备方法,申请号:201610914730.1(已授权).
  9. 董亚强,常春涛,满其奎,黎嘉威,李润伟。一种微细金属粉末的制备方法及实现该方法的设备,申请号:201410421086.5(已授权).
  10. 董亚强,常春涛,满其奎,黎嘉威,李润伟。非晶态粉末的制备方法及装置,申请号:201410335843.7(已授权).